What is Origanum majorana and how is it healthy for us?

Origanum majorana is a perennial shrub from the lip family. Moss leaves are used for seasoning and are very common in Mediterranean cuisine in general and Italian in particular.

Para-medical uses:
According to popular medicine moss antiseptic properties, and analgesic and for moss leaves many uses:

-Origanum majorana antiseptic properties so it is very effective in preventing colds, against    mouth infections.
  And throat and cough.
- Tea relaxes nervousness, reduces mental stress
- Relieves toothache and headaches
- Reduces menstrual pain
- Regulates minor digestive disorders, dissipates gases and strengthens stomach and liver   activity
 Effective against sea sickness. Drink before sailing
 According to popular medicine, the leaves are also added as an ingredient in herbal tea mixtures, for example the tea used to boost milk production in lactating women.

According to folk medicine, the essential oil extracted from the moss is effective against joint and muscle pain, rheumatism and healing of wounds and bruises. According to folk medicine, the oil is also used to treat psoriasis on a mental background.

Uses as a spice:
Owners (fresh or dried) use to season meat and fish, salads, soups, sauces, egg and potato foods, cheeses and turkey fillings. It also serves as a spice for pizza and can be added to the bread dough and oil for a gentle aroma. The dried origanum majorana sold as spice also contains thin branches and inflorescences. Origanum majorana is an ingredient in the French spice blend Herb de Provence.