How to Get Toned Abs

In order to have defined Abs, you need first to reduce your body fat levels to around 10–12% for most people. And you will need to do it the right way.
So, How Do I Lose Bodyfat Properly?
This is one of the most questions I usually hear as a Personal trainer and Strength Coach.
People seem to be overwhelmed by the amount of information spread all over the Internet. Various techniques and methodologies had been shared by many experts all over the years, and while some of them are great, others were a complete scam and that left people lost in terms of what is the right way to do it.
How To Lose Bodyfat:

First of all, fat loss can be achieved through various methods. However, some are faster than others, and Faster doesn’t always mean better, especially when we are talking about fat loss, because the truth is, the faster the process the less healthy it is. I mean DIETS like the original PSMF or Protein Sparing Modified Fast can make you lose up to 10 lbs in one week, of course, most of those will be water weight but you still can lose up to 3 maybe 4 lbs of pure fat in one week which is crazy.
But the charm end there, because this type of Diets will only give you diminishing returns in the long run and they may cause some serious health issues, so what i am going to discuss here is the proper way to reduce bodyfat. instead of the fastest way to do so.
So, I will try to give you a comprehensive guide on how to set your own fat loss plan:
1-Establish a Caloric Deficit:

After establishing a caloric deficit, the most important thing is to get an adequate amount of protein, because you don’t want to lose your hard earned muscles alongside your bodyfat, unless you love being skinny then you don’t need much protein.
But even if you are not interested in looking muscular, losing muscle is a bad move because muscle is active metabolic tissue that will increase your BMR at rest.
Generally, try to get at least 0.8 gram per lb of lean body weight. This should be a good starting point for most people. But, if you are in a very huge deficit you may need to up it to something like 1.5 gram per lb of bodyweight.
Best protein sources include Eggs, Chicken and Turkey Breasts, Beef, Fish and Whey protein supplements. If you are vegan then try pea protein powder.
3-Choose your Cardio Wisely:

There is basically two types of cardio: LISS cardio or Low-Intensity Steady State Cardio and HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training. Both can get you shredded.
However, choosing which cardio you need will depend on so many factors like:
-Your current fitness level.
-Daily caloric intake: is it high or too low.
-Gym routine: is it moderate or draining.
-Your preferences because those play a role as well.
Generally, people will use HIIT at the beginning of the cut to quickly deplete glycogen levels. Then they will switch to LISS in the final weeks when their energy level is at all time low.
4-Get Enough Sleep:

It may seem like an outdated advice but trust me it is crucial. I can tell you by experience that the most roadblock I had to overcome when trying to get shredded is to adopt good sleeping habits.
Sleep deprivation will do basically two things:
1-Increase Cortisol production:
which is your stress hormone and it is a catabolic hormone, unlike testosterone. Also, high Cortisol levels will inhibit testosterone production since they are both made from the same enzymes. Also, cortisol is the hormone responsible for you holding fat on your lower abs.
2-It decreases Insulin Sensitivity:
Decreased insulin sensitivity will make the process of burning stubborn bodyfat nearly impossible. heck some people may even get leaner by just improving their Insulin Sensitivity. Because it improves fat distribution.
5-Eat A Lot Of Vegetables and greens:

I think I don’t need to clarify why it is so important to eat enough veggies every day. Eeveryone, even the regular folks, know how vital they are in the process of building a healthy body.
And they are even more important when you are in a caloric deficit and your body is struggling with a lot of stress and deprivation. So make sure get at least 3 cups of veggies per day. Also, try to vary your sources as much as possible to get a wide spectrum of micronutrients.