Showing posts with label benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label benefits. Show all posts

What is Vitamin D And is benefits?


CytoD+K2 is a highly concentrated, highly portable formula—filled with the perfect combination of vitamin D+K2, for maximum potency and absorption. 

It was designed by one of the leading nutraceutical research scientists in the country to boost immunity... build stronger bones... enhance your sleep... speed up metabolism... and transform your overall health and vitality. 

Just a small dropper full a day will not only support strong immunity, but that overall healthy feeling you desire, especially in months where getting lots of sunlight isn’t possible. 

It’s exactly what you want for yourself and loved ones... especially at a time when so many people are immunocompromised. 

Get Your FREE  Bottle of CytoD+K2 [Vitamin D] Today.

Why THIS VITAMIN D? It’s the Most Absorbable, Premium Vitamin D+K2 in an Organic Olive Oil Base 

Let’s be honest: you have a ton of options when it comes to vitamin D products. 
So why would you choose this one (besides the fact that your first bottle is FREE?) 

Reason #1: POTENCY - it’s the right form of naturally-derived vitamin D (unlike the many synthetic variants) and therefore highly absorbable by your body. 

Reason #2: OPTIMAL DOSE - it’s delivered at the optimal dose for daily use similar to getting your daily sunshine. 

Get Your FREE  Bottle of CytoD+K2 [Vitamin D] Today.

Reason #3: K2 SYNERGY - it is synergistically paired with a highly potent form of K2 (the MK7- TRANS form Isomer), which you won’t find in other products. 

Reason #4: ORGANIC BASE - it is delivered in organic olive oil base, which is cleaner than other bases AND can facilitate deeper delivery into the cells. 
CytoD+K2 was carefully designed and produced by one of the top doctors and formulators in the world today to be THE single most effective vitamin D product in existence. 

When you try it, you will feel and know the difference. 

D Benefit #1
Boost Your Immune System:

Vitamin D is essential for healthy immune system response. 

Evidence suggests supplementation can safely improve our immunity and vitamin D status1.

Vitamin D helps reduce inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that it may act as an immune balancer2.
Vitamin D has been studied for its immune system benefits for over 25 years.

Get Your FREE  Bottle of CytoD+K2 [Vitamin D] Today.

D Benefit #2
Lower Fatigue, Increase Energy:

Vitamin D has been studied for its ability to reverse fatigue and boost energy levels. 

Prevalence of low vitamin D was 77.2% in patients who presented with fatigue. After normalization of vitamin D levels fatigue symptom scores improved significantly4.
Vitamin D dramatically improved levels of self-reported levels of fatigue and energy in another study5.
Vitamin D was found to directly increase energy levels within the cells of your muscles, a study has shown.

D Benefit #3
Beautiful Hair and Skin:

Want to look and feel younger? Make sure you’re not deficient in vitamin D... 

Vitamin D helps reduce inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that maintaining healthy levels can support skin and hair health7.

Some scientists believe that people with skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, and hair loss need to be monitored to ensure they’re not deficient in vitamin D8.
Vitamin D helps protect skin against potential damage and oxidation from the sun.




While some prefer a solo fitness regime, as it enables us to keep on track and stay focused, others enjoy working out with a partner. This is because it helps them to stay motivated during a workout, boosts their overall performance and they often feel they have more fun.

Read on to find out how having a buddy can help make workouts for the both of you more effective and enjoyable:


Finding your fitness partner-in-crime is an excellent excuse to engage in a bit of healthy competition. Neither of you will want to fall behind during your workout, so it can be that added boost that will help you keep going and reach new heights.


While it’s important to make sure you get a killer workout in, it’s also just as vital to have fun. Exercising by yourself can get a little lonely, so with a partner you’ll be able to share both the good and the tough times with a smile on your faces. Plus, combining training with having a bit of chat and banter makes things even more enjoyable!


Occasionally, we may shy away from trying out that new class we’ve always fancied or that area in the gym we’ve found intimidating and been nervous to approach. But with a workout partner on board, you’ll both be able to support one another, learn new things and step out of each other’s comfort zones.


If you’re thinking of going the extra mile with your weight training, a friend can help ‘spot’ you through those last couple of tough reps at the end of your set. Having someone else around when you’re lifting heavy weights also makes your workout a lot safer and keeps you both injury free.

Workout buddies will also help each other to perfect their form by pointing out the times their partner needs to straighten their back more or bend their knees that little bit extra.


Weight training with a partner is ideal. You can alternate your exercises so that your friend completes their set during your rest period and vice versa. This should eliminate any distractions in between sets like scrolling through your phone on social media, something many of us are guilty of!


It can be incredibly easy to make excuses not to visit the gym. This is especially true if you’re going on your own. You are, however, much more likely to keep going if you’ve got a workout buddy. This is because you may feel guilty about not turning up and letting them down. This could help you keep going with your regular workouts.


Sometimes, all we need is a little bit of encouragement to help us push out that last rep, run that bit faster, go the extra mile, or hang in there for another minute, all for the kudos that your workout partner’s “well done”, high-five or pat on the back brings with it. Having a workout partner can help inspire you to keep going and get even better.

Elliptical Trainer - Health Benefits For Hearts, And Hips


Having an elliptical trainer as a cardio workout companion pays handsome health dividends. Improved cardiovascular function, overall conditioning, and healthy weight loss due to a revved up metabolism, are all part and parcel of the benefits of an elliptical trainer package.

Although these machines were primarily developed as a low-impact exercise solution, elliptical trainers have become superb general fitness tools, as discussed at They offer continuous motion, without the commotion, so to speak!

With the help of the firm footing provided by the elliptical trainer's footpads or footplates, the user 'walks' with a natural, smooth, flowing movement. The result is bone-strengthening, weight-bearing, fat-burning, aerobic exercise, without the jarring that is a major cause of joint injuries.

You will have a riot on your hands if only your hips, glutes, and legs are called to 'gym' service. Maintain bodily harmony and peace, by looking at elliptical trainers that sport crosstraining handlebars. This will get your upper body into the game, placating complaining hips and thighs.

By following this strategy, you maximize the calorie-burning benefit you derive from your time on the elliptical trainer. At the same time, you will be strengthening your arms, back, chest, and shoulders.

Elliptical Trainer - A Basic Checklist:

Adjustable Resistance: As your body adapts to the cardio workout, and your aerobic capacity increases, you will need an adjustable resistance feature to maintain the effectiveness off the elliptical trainer program. Look for a machine that offers this feature at the push of a button. You don't want to lose your momentum, while changing gear.

Backing Up Is Beneficial: An elliptical trainer should offer both forward and reverse motion. This prevents repetitive strain injuries, by cajoling different muscles into action. It also adds variety to your exercise routine, maintaining interest.

Concise Consoles: Make sure that you will be able to understand the workings of the elliptical trainer's console. Functionality and clear programming are vital. Some machines conveniently accommodate more than one user.

Do-It-Yourself: Most elliptical trainers feature a wide variety of pre-set programs - more than enough to test your limits for some time. However, you may want the option to customize programs to allow for your particular needs. Check that this will be possible.

Even Fluency: When testing an elliptical trainer, a clear sign of the quality of the machine, is the fluency of the motion, and a low noise level. Any sign of instability, is a sign to focus on a different model.

Footprint Fit: If space is a problem, an elliptical trainer may be an ideal option, as it usually is quite a compact piece of fitness equipment. Many models come with wheels for no-fuss mobility.

Heart Rate Monitor: Most elliptical trainers feature hand grip sensors on the handlebars. In any cardiovascular exercise program, it is vital to monitor your heart rate, in order to make adjustments to the workout intensity. A heart monitor strap may also be available.

Incline Incentive: A quality elliptical trainer will have as one of its features, an 0% to 10% adjustable incline, allowing you to up the ante as your muscle power increase. For maximum cardiovascular and strength-building benefits, it is important to retain an element of challenge in your routine.

Jolts And Jars: When testing an elliptical trainer, look for a completely smooth movement, without any jolts or bouncyness in the footpads.

Knee-Demands: An elliptical trainer often is a suitable option to consider, if you are experiencing any knee problems. The natural movement promotes proper alignment of ankle, knee, and hip. However, it is always safe to check with a health practitioner, if you have any medical concerns.

Length Of Stride: Test the elliptical trainer to make sure that it is completely comfortable. Don't let the machine cramp your style!

All the prominent manufacturers have designed state-of-the-art, feature-rich crosstrainers. The only way to make sure that you find the perfect partner for your cardio workout, is to thoroughly test a wide range of elliptical trainers.

Green Tea And Weight Loss Synonymous


More often, you would see green tea or green tea extracts piled together with other weight loss supplements in the market.  The question is, is green tea really effective when it comes to a person’s goal to get rid of excess fats and lose some pounds on the weighing scale? Before even thinking of sipping the famous Japanese brew, take a look at the reasons why you should and why you shouldn’t consider the green tea and weight loss combo.


There has been a lot of fuss about the benefits of green tea to people who are trying to lose weight. Medical research showed a lot of advantages of the tea and its components. However, like any other weight loss products, it has its own adverse effects on an individual’s general health. Let’s start weighing the facts by first looking at the good side of the said weight loss supplement and then the hazards at the latter end.


Benefits of Green Tea on Metabolism


A powerful antioxidant called catechin polyphenols found in green tea is known to be responsible for many of the benefits of the tea. The antioxidant can stimulate the body’s process of burning fuel and releasing calories as heat. Research showed that green tea increases energy expenditure or metabolism boost. At a 24 hour period, it is recorded that metabolic rate is increased to up to 4%. In short, green tea revs up your metabolism and thus decreases your chances of gaining more weight.


Benefits of Green Tea on Reducing Appetite


If you blame your appetite on your unending or uncontrolled craving for food, then green tea and weight loss may just be what you need. Green tea is known as an appetite suppressant because of its blood sugar regulating capabilities. According to studies, green tea’s polyphenols have the ability to depress Leptin, a protein that plays a major rule in increasing appetite.

Benefits of Green Tea on Fat Absorption

Green tea has three major components which can promote fat loss. These components are catechins, caffeine, and theanine which can inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipase, enzymes that digest and stores fat in a form that is healthy for the body. Drinking green tea after a meal can slow the rise of blood sugar and thus prevents fat storage in the body.


Benefits of Green Tea on Calorie Count


Start counting calories on your morning brew and guess what you will find. Double cream, double sugar, mocha, frappucinno, etc are causing havoc on your waistline. If you are addicted to a dose of caffeine in the morning but want those calories off your diet, then green tea and weight loss brew is right for you.


Health Hazards of Green tea


The hazard of the intake of green tea lies on its caffeine. Caffeine is harmful especially for people who have heart problems and high blood pressure. But as they say, to every problem there is a solution. Green tea and weight loss can still be an option for people who have health concerns when it comes to taking in caffeine. Decaffeinated green tea, usually that which comes in an extract form, is available in the market too.

You Have To TRY IT Green Smoothie 7 Day Detox Diet Plan: Lose Weight and Feel Better

Does Pilates Work Millions Say Yes


Does Pilates work, even if you’re terribly out of shape?  Does it work if you’ve had an injury, or you have bad knees?  Millions of people have discovered that Pilates seems to be good for whatever ails you. It may not be a miracle cure for every ailment, but ask anyone who’s been doing Pilates regularly, “Does Pilates work?”  You’re bound to get a resounding, “Yes!”


Pilates stared out as an exercise only wealthy people could afford, because it was done on an expensive machine called a Reformer. Joseph Pilates designed the machine to be used for over a hundred different movements. Each movement uses your body’s weight as resistance, and offers equal intensity through both sides of each movement, to work opposing muscle groups equally.


Does Pilates work to help strengthen muscles?  Yes, and it does so without building muscle bulk that body builders go for. Because the movements don’t have to be repeated many times for you reap the full benefits, there’s no bulky muscle building involved. Rather, Pilates lengthens and tones the muscles, which actually makes them smaller and denser.


Do the exercises work if you’ve had an injury?  Pilates is renowned for helping prevent injury! And even those who’ve already suffered back, knee and joint injuries can find the slow and soothing movements of Pilates will help strengthen the muscles around those joints. It’s a low impact workout, so there’s no strain or pressure put on joints. This minimizes the risk of someone injuring themselves again.


Will it really help you improve your posture like you’ve heard?  Because Pilates strengthens the core muscles of the abdomen and lower back, the entire body is better supported. This can help someone who’s been doing Pilates workouts walk taller and hold themselves straighter.


Does Pilates work to improve all the body’s systems?  While this might seem to be a far-fetched claim, think about all that Pilates does. It strengthens the muscles while toning and trimming them. It strengthens the core muscles that support not only the spine but surrounds the body’s organs and holds them firm. So not only is posture improved, but because the entire abdominal wall is stronger, it offers more support for your internal organs.


People who do Pilates benefit from the deep breathing of the exercises and the controlled breathing and movement. So not only are your organs better supported, breathing is improved which helps put more oxygen into your bloodstream. It’s starting to get easier to see how Pilates can improve your overall health, isn’t it?


Does Pilates work if you’re really out of shape?  Yes!  The beauty of Pilates is that it doesn’t take long, grueling workout sessions to see benefits. A person who hasn’t exercised in a long time can start out doing just 5 or 10 minutes of Pilates movements at a time.


Because of the great strengthening benefits of Pilates, even a beginner can increase the time spent working out quite rapidly. Does Pilates work?  Try it yourself, and you’ll be able to answer that much faster than you think!

The best Pilates plan for beginners TRY IT NOW

What are the benefits of keto diet?



Over the past several years, I have performed in-depth research on different diets that are popular for their claimed health-boosting and weight-loss benefits. The keto diet is among them.

To give you a quick overview, the keto diet is short for the ketogenic diet. In general, the keto diet is composed of 75% good fats, 20% protein, and 5% carbs. There are a few variations of the keto diet (like high-protein keto diet), but this is generally the standard macronutrient ratio needed in order to achieve ketosis.

Ketosis is the key to the keto diet. Ketosis is a normal metabolic process characterized by increased ketone production. Ketones are a form of energy that is alternative to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates break down into glucose, which are easy for the body to use, but can also be problematic when over-consumed, like they are in the Standard American Diet (SAD).

To understand if the keto diet is considered healthy, first, let’s take a step back to understand ketosis - since misunderstandings are often the root of the criticism of the keto diet.

This is what I have found in my research about the potential health benefits of the keto diet with links to relevant research:

1.      Promotes weight loss: While a low-fat diet is often recommended for weight loss, but research shows that a high fat, moderate protein, and low-carbohydrate diet is much more effective at promoting weight loss, thanks to the beauty of ketone bodies.

2.      Lowers risk factors for disease: These risk factors include high blood sugar and insulin levels, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides, among others.

3.      Protects from muscle loss: a very low carbohydrate diet with adequate amounts of protein are likely protective against the loss of muscle mass.

4.      Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes: Excess fat is linked to metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes, and weight loss spurred by the keto diet can help to lower risk factors..

1.      Helps to control type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders: If you have diabetes, you may be turning to the ketogenic diet as a way to control your insulin and glucose levels. Early research shows that the ketogenic diet can help you significantly improve insulin sensitivity levels. One study even shows that some diabetes patients were able to stop taking their diabetes medication altogether while on the keto diet.

2.      May help slow tumor growth for certain types of cancer: Early research shows that a calorically-restricted ketogenic diet is an effective alternative therapy for malignant brain cancer). Since high levels of circulating glucose in the blood are needed for tumor growth, the glucose-reducing effects of the keto diet help to slow tumor growth.

3.      Improves symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease: The ketogenic diet may help to reduce the symptoms and slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

4.      Helps treat factors causing polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS): POS is the most common cause of infertility among women. One of the aggravating factors of POS is high levels of insulin. The ketogenic diet can help reduce insulin and glucose levels in the blood as a dietary therapy for POS.

5.      Boosts recover from brain diseases: Initial animal studies show that the keto diet may boost the recovery of young people who have experienced traumatic brain injuries).

6.      Reduces the severity of acne: One of the factors that can increase your risk of acne is high insulin levels in the blood. Since the ketogenic diet doesn’t allow you to eat sugar or processed foods, which up insulin levels, it may help to improve the appearance of acne.

For most people, the ketogenic diet could offer significant health benefits.

The two main worries of health and nutrition specialists are the following:

1.      People follow the keto diet without consulting a specialist first

2.      The keto diet has not been around long enough to understand its long-term effects



There are logical responses to both of these concerns and they are directly connected. Research, even if it is relatively new, is on the side of the ketogenic diet. But it is true that an unbalanced keto diet (or any unbalanced diet, for that matter) could have detrimental effects.

For that reason, it is important to:

1.       Get a general medical check-up to make sure you are in good health to follow a restrictive diet.

2.      Consult with a registered dietician who is a specialist in the ketogenic diet to guide you on how to build a well-balanced ketogenic diet that fills all of your nutrient needs.

Once you check these off of your list, you will very likely be able to reap the benefits of the ketogenic diet for your health.

What are the benefits of arranged marriages?

The corona virus will not go away quickly.
Especially during this period it is important to remember.

  1. Arranged marriages DOES NOT mean there will be no love in it. 3 of my cousin sisters' marriages were ARRANGED & they're all happily in love with their husbands.
  2. Support from families of both parties.
  3. Familial ties & relations are maintained.
  4. Can depend on both sides of the family in case of some urgency/emergency & you'll be helped both financially & physically.
  5. Festivals & celebrations are celebrated with joy & happiness from both sides of the family.
  6. You'll be welcomed at all times into both family homes & they shall see to it that you're respected to say the least.
  7. If both of you fall sick, your families can help you with YOUR FOOD habits & even if you aren't, you can still ask your mom/MIL to cook your favorite home cooked food you've loved as a child.
  8. Help during child-rearing is a major benefit if the marriage is arranged. Your children will follow in your footsteps & they shall benefit from the family ties to their grandparents & all elders. They can be relied upon for advice & help.
  9. Tolerance on both sides of the family if you commit a mistake. You will be scolded, sure, but you'll be taught to do the right thing. That's how people will grow.
  10. You'll be taught a sense of purpose, responsibility & goal to strive towards for your community. You shall help your community & see the people in your community as your own brothers & sisters.
  11. You can obtain the counsel of elders from both the parties in the marriage & from the elders they will introduce you to in the future. No human being is all-knowledgable, everyone needs advice in small things in life. You'll develop a sense of respect for your parents, in-laws & elders.

I'm sure there are lots more reasons, but I just went off the top of my head.

What are the benefits of keto diet?

Over the past several years, I have performed in-depth research on different diets that are popular for their claimed health-boosting and weight-loss benefits. The keto diet is among them.

To give you a quick overview, the keto diet is short for the ketogenic diet. In general, the keto diet is composed of 75% good fats, 20% protein, and 5% carbs. There are a few variations of the keto diet (like high-protein keto diet), but this is generally the standard macronutrient ratio needed in order to achieve ketosis.

Ketosis is the key to the keto diet. Ketosis is a normal metabolic process characterized by increased ketone production. Ketones are a form of energy that is alternative to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates break down into glucose, which are easy for the body to use, but can also be problematic when over-consumed, like they are in the Standard American Diet (SAD).

To understand if the keto diet is considered healthy, first, let’s take a step back to understand ketosis - since misunderstandings are often the root of the criticism of the keto diet.
This is what I have found in my research about the potential health benefits of the keto diet with links to relevant research:
  1. Promotes weight loss: While a low-fat diet is often recommended for weight loss, but research shows that a high fat, moderate protein, and low-carbohydrate diet is much more effective at promoting weight loss, thanks to the beauty of ketone bodies.
  2. Lowers risk factors for disease: These risk factors include high blood sugar and insulin levelshigh cholesterol, and high triglycerides, among others.
  3. Protects from muscle loss: a very low carbohydrate diet with adequate amounts of protein are likely protective against the loss of muscle mass.
  4. Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes: Excess fat is linked to metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes, and weight loss spurred by the keto diet can help to lower risk factors..
  5. Helps to control type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders: If you have diabetes, you may be turning to the ketogenic diet as a way to control your insulin and glucose levels. Early research shows that the ketogenic diet can help you significantly improve insulin sensitivity levels. One study even shows that some diabetes patients were able to stop taking their diabetes medication altogether while on the keto diet.
  6. May help slow tumor growth for certain types of cancer: Early research shows that a calorically-restricted ketogenic diet is an effective alternative therapy for malignant brain cancer). Since high levels of circulating glucose in the blood are needed for tumor growth, the glucose-reducing effects of the keto diet help to slow tumor growth.
  7. Improves symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease: The ketogenic diet may help to reduce the symptoms and slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  8. Helps treat factors causing polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS): POS is the most common cause of infertility among women. One of the aggravating factors of POS is high levels of insulin. The ketogenic diet can help reduce insulin and glucose levels in the blood as a dietary therapy for POS.
  9. Boosts recover from brain diseases: Initial animal studies show that the keto diet may boost the recovery of young people who have experienced traumatic brain injuries).
  10. Reduces the severity of acne: One of the factors that can increase your risk of acne is high insulin levels in the blood. Since the ketogenic diet doesn’t allow you to eat sugar or processed foods, which up insulin levels, it may help to improve the appearance of acne.

For most people, the ketogenic diet could offer significant health benefits.
The two main worries of health and nutrition specialists are the following:
  1. People follow the keto diet without consulting a specialist first
  2. The keto diet has not been around long enough to understand its long-term effects

There are logical responses to both of these concerns and they are directly connected. Research, even if it is relatively new, is on the side of the ketogenic diet. But it is true that an unbalanced keto diet (or any unbalanced diet, for that matter) could have detrimental effects.

For that reason, it is important to:
  1. Get a general medical check-up to make sure you are in good health to follow a restrictive diet.
  2. Consult with a registered dietician who is a specialist in the ketogenic diet to guide you on how to build a well-balanced ketogenic diet that fills all of your nutrient needs.
Once you check these off of your list, you will very likely be able to reap the benefits of the ketogenic diet for your health.

Marijuana: Good or bad?

What are the medical benefits of marijuana?

1.Alcoholism and drug addiction.

2.Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety.


Evidence suggests that oral cannabinoids are effective against nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, and some small studies have found that smoked marijuana may also help to alleviate these symptoms.

4.Multiple sclerosis

The short-term use of oral cannabinoids may improve symptoms of spasticity among people with multiple sclerosis, but the positive effects have been found to be modest.


What are the health risks of marijuana?

At the other end of the spectrum is the plethora of studies that have found negative associations between marijuana use and health. They are listed below.

So, is marijuana good or bad for your health?

There is evidence that demonstrates both the harms and health benefits of marijuana. Yet despite the emergence over the past couple of years of very comprehensive, up-to-date reviews of the scientific studies evaluating the benefits and harms of the drug, it's clear that more research is needed to fully determine the public health implications of rising marijuana use.
More research is needed to confirm the harms and benefits of marijuana use.
Many scientists and health bodies — including the American Cancer Society (ACS) — support the need for further scientific research on the use of marijuana and cannabinoids to treat medical conditions.
However, there is an obstacle to this: marijuana is classed as a Schedule I controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration, which deters the study of marijuana and cannabinoids through its imposition of strict conditions on the researchers working in this area.
If you happen to live in a state where medical use of marijuana is legal, you and your doctor will need to carefully consider these factors and how they relate to your illness and health history before using this drug.
For instance, while there is some evidence to support the use for marijuana for pain relief, you should certainly avoid marijuana if you have a history of mental health problems.
Remember to always speak to your doctor before taking a new medicine.