Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Discount Treadmills – Do You Get What You Pay For?


With discount treadmills, as with any other purchase in life, a bargain can only rightly be called a bargain if the price we pay turns out to be a good investment over time. For example, just as there is little real discount value in purchasing a designer outfit at a great price if it’s not something we really like to wear, investing a smaller amount of money in discount treadmills is not the wisest financial choice if your new discount treadmill ends up not meeting your exercise needs.

In our often high-priced consumer world, there is little doubt that finding great discount treadmills offers a special thrill – this is why shopping for discount can become such an addictive affair! But unlike many of the other items we purchase on a regular basis, such as food or household items, a discount treadmill will be something we hope to invest in only once. Discount or no, and whether we find refurbished treadmills or used treadmills for sale, a piece of fitness equipment of this size is undoubtedly an investment, so when you choose your discount treadmill, you want to be sure that you choose right.

So what should you look for in discount treadmills? While finding used treadmills for sale can offer you a great initial bargain, even the most honest of second hand sellers cannot help you if the used treadmill you purchase develops a problem down the line. Used treadmills for sale usually cannot carry over the initial warranty with which they we re sold, so unless you are sure that the used treadmills for sale that you view are in top condition, you might want to pass on the deal and find discount treadmills elsewhere.

Refurbished treadmills are a great discount treadmills and if they were refurbished by the original treadmill manufacturer, they should still be under some kind of warranty. Though this warranty will probably be somewhat limited when compared with the original treadmill guarantee, refurbished treadmills still offer a great discount treadmill deal. Just be sure to look for ‘factory refurbished’ treadmills, as this ensures that you will be able to avail of that discount treadmills warranty should you need to.

Of course treadmill stores are also a great source of discount treadmills – you just need to keep your eyes peeled for great discount treadmill deals. Some stores will sell older models at a great discount price when new treadmills are released by a particular manufacturer, so keep your finger on the fitness pulse to help you predict when great discount treadmill deals might become available.

Above all, remember not to sacrifice discount treadmills prices for quality or suitability. It’s not a bargain if it’s not the right discount treadmill for you!

Do You Want to Lose 6 Pounds Quickly



Do you want to lose 6 pounds quickly?  While many diets are geared at people who want to lose 20 pounds or more, the plan I’m presenting here will help you lose 6 pounds quickly – perhaps in just one week.


The first thing you want to do is clear out your pantry of all the foods that make you fat.  Clean out your refrigerator and throw things away.  Donate the packaged food in your pantry to a local food bank.

Then, go to the grocery store and buy the following sixteen things only:


1.    Whole wheat bread

2.    Tuna

3.    Any and all fruits

4.    Any and all vegetables

5.    8 oz. steak

6.    Two chicken breasts

7.    Salad vegetables

8.    Balsamic vinegar

9.    Special K Cereal

10.   Skim milk

11.   Brown rice

12.   Instant oatmeal (not the sweetened packaged kind though)

13.   Sliced turkey breast

14.   3 servings of fish

15.   Low fat yogurt

16.   Eggs


Using these foods as the basis for your diet, write out a diet plan for the next seven days.  After that, you will be fully committed to sticking to it.  Part of the motivation for clearing out your kitchen ahead of time is that there will not be any food that you can “cheat” with.


Next, you want to get a pedometer and make sure that you walk at least 10,000 steps each day.  That may seem like a lot, but here are some ways that you can get extra steps in.


1.    Park far away from the front door of your work or a store.  Not only will you get extra steps in, but you will have a much easier time parking.

2.    Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  If you work above the fourth floor, get off of the elevator at least two floors early and walk the rest of the way.

3.    When you have to contact a colleague at work, don’t phone or email them, walk over to their office or desk.

4.    If you take the bus or other form of mass transportation, get off a stop or two early and walk.

5.    Walk the dog.  If you don’t have a dog, volunteer to walk the neighbor’s dog.

6.    Take a walk before dinner.  Not only will you increase the number of steps you take that day, but a walk before dinner will reduce your appetite.


Finally, try to drink at least eight, 8 ounce glasses of water each day when you are trying to lose weight.  You can do this by drinking one liter of water at work and another liter at home.  If you don’t like water plain, it is okay to substitute unsweetened iced tea or sugar free lemonade or punch.


It is possible to lose 6 pounds in a week.  Try radically altering your diet, walking more, and drinking a substantial amount of water.  It’s not a lifetime that you will be restricted to this plan, it’s just a week.  And, you’ll be able to lose 6 pounds in that time.

my recommendation diet plan with discount :


Discover The Importance Of A Healthy Diet And Exercise


Just hearing the terms “work out” or “exercise” causes many people to cringe. Yet it is a proven fact that exercise is an important concept for a healthy body and diet routine. Dieting alone will help anyone lose weight, but they must include exercise and working out; as part of the regime to maintain the weight loss and healthy body.


Learning to incorporate an exercise program, as easy as walking daily, will increase your weight loss with a healthy diet. Since many people are stationery for most of their day, adding the exercise to their lives will increase the benefits of the diet. Increasing the amount of activity increases the effects of the healthy eating habits.


Eating a healthy diet with a plan rich in protein, good carbohydrates, grains, Omega-3, and low fat foods is necessary for a serious dieter. Adding fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet provides the essential nutrients to the body. Removing the condiments and fried foods from the diet also is a great way to improve the eating habits.


Avoiding sugary and fatty foods in the diet will increase weight loss when including regiments of walking, jogging, swimming, and riding a bicycle. A healthy diet with exercise creates a healthy life style that will provide long-term weight management as well as a healthier body that is resistant to diabetes, heart disease, and other health complications.


Add water to the daily diet. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water to keep the body hydrated and flush out the toxins and fat from the body. The body needs water to have healthy lungs, kidneys, liver, hair, nails, bones, and teeth. Water in the diet also helps the person feel full (temporarily) and removes the urges to eat to relieve the feelings of hunger.


Avoid caffeine in coffee, tea, and sodas. The caffeine is not a good chemical for the body. Many feel caffeine energizes them but in reality, it actually causes fatigue when the levels drop thus creating weight gain due to the lack of energy to be active.


The more a person is active the more they will lose weight. They will have more energy, from the higher levels of exercise, which will then cause them to burn the stored fat. Losing the stored fat decreases the weight and provides a better looking body for many people.


Using a healthy diet combined with exercise and workouts can become a standard way of life, leading to a longer life span and a healthier body; that can fight off diseases and even the common cold. The well-maintained body is able to fight off heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. People have changed their lives with a healthy diet, a good exercise program; consequentily adding more productive years to their life span.

my recommendation diet plan with discount

How can I lose weight quickly?

1. Eat the required calories:

Eat the required calories as if you were already your healthy weight (eating what you would need to maintain your healthy weight). The way you lose it is the way you keep it off. This rules out crash diets, fad diets and every diet under the sun that is not designed to continue as your lifestyle diet for the rest of your life.

You have become overweight due to taking in more calories than your calorie requirement per day. Planning to lose weight[1]by taking in way fewer calories than is required for your healthy weight is a foolish one.

I have seen weight loss programmes[2]suggesting calorie intake of 800 calories per day, where the required calories to maintain a healthy weight is 1,800 calories. This is disastrous for your long-term fat storage.

Restricted calories affect your fat burning and muscle building hormones, causing you to lose muscle and make your body more prone to storing fat.

2. Plan your eating:

Plan you eating times for each day. Leave no more than 4 hours between meals. Planning what you will eat each time will help drive you to eat according to the plan.

It has been proven that most people enjoy knowing when their next meal is and are less likely to search for other food when they know their schedule.

Therefore, it is important to set a meal time and stick to it. If you feel like eating when you follow a planned day, it is not hunger, it is emotion dressed up as hunger.

We can confuse “feeling uncomfortable” and “feel like eating”. We can mislabel emotions. Always wait for your next scheduled meal or snack time.

The most successful plan is one of three main meals and then a small filler between meals. This goes with the natural rhythm of hunger.

The filler snack should contain a healthy protein source and / or fruit. Keep yourself hydrated with water / flavoured water throughout the day.

  • Protein source

You should include a protein source in all three main meals. You have learned already that no matter how many calories you eat in a meal, you can start to feel hunger if the meal does not a have a protein source.

Eating protein speeds up your metabolism. Protein takes a lot of work for the body to digest. When you eat 100 calories of protein, you will use up 25 of those calories just to digest it.

  • Processed sugar

Foods containing sugar in high concentration will cause withdrawal symptoms. It will cause you to feel empty, drained of energy, restless, hungry and cause mood swings.

You may have believed in the past that eating more of it solved the problem. It did for a little while, then you were back shortly with the same symptoms again. Sugar does not solve the problem, it keeps it going.

Replace refined sugars with the natural sugars in fruit. Soon you will feel better, feel less hungry and on your way to a slimmer, healthier you.

  • Calorie intake

If you are highly obese, do not cut your calorie intake by more than 25%. As your weight falls, keep cutting back on the calorie intake. You will finally reach the point where you consume the necessary calories to maintain your correct weight.

3. Start every day with a substantial, healthy breakfast.

If you are going on a long journey by car, you will first fill up the tank. Think of your body in terms of the car. People who start the day with a proper breakfast are 50% less likely to be overweight.

Fill your tank every morning and ensure it stays on green all day by eating on a regular basis. Remember you eat three main meals and a snack between main meals.

This is crucial to keep the sugar levels from falling to red on the dial. If the level falls, you body takes over and will drive you to eat a junk food that raises the sugar level quickly. You are then off on a spiking - crashing pattern for the rest of the day.

4. Drinking water.

Drinking a pint of water before meals can lead to a 75 calorie reduction in the calories consumed. Water makes your stomach feel full, so you are less inclined to clear your plate.

While 75 calories may not seem like a lot, if you do this before breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, it mounts up to losing over 20 lbs in one year.

If you increase your daily intake of water, your body will begin to shed its excess fat, including the fat stored as cellulite. The water will also help strengthen the collagen in your skin, helping to reduce the lumpy look.

5. Eating on the go.

Don’t do it, it is a very bad habit, you are breaking one of the most important rules about eating in the process: slow, mindful eating.

6. Make a shopping list:

Make a shopping list for the items you need at each shopping. Unless you do this, you will be influenced by the presentation of items, the choices made by other shoppers, etc.

Make sure that you are not shopping on an empty stomach.

Rule of thumb for shopping:

  • Make sure to read the labels.

If the label lists sucrose, corn syrup, sugar, fructose, white flour, etc, they contain simple carbohydrates.

  • Purchase foods that are not refined or highly processed.

You should choose fruit instead of fruit juice, which is very high in simple sugars.

  • Factory produced versus nature.

Simple carbohydrates are created in a factory while complex carbohydrates are designed by nature. Many similar foods can have remarkably different levels of sugar. For instance, some yoghurts are sugar- free while others can be as high as 20%.

It is an excellent idea to make a shopping list of your regular foods and compare the brands. Purchase the ones with the lowest sugar and calorie content. You would be amazed at the difference this can make to your weight in one year.

Be careful not to consume calories in liquid form. Energy drinks are in vogue but the sugar content is extremely high in such drinks. These drinks are not particularly filling. You are just creating hunger by drinking them.

7. Prepacked lunch

If you are driving a long journey, going for lunch or even when shopping in town, have a healthy option available. When people don't have a prepacked lunch, there is the tendency to choose convenience food that is full of calories.

Always have a bottle of water in the car.

8. Choose real food

Choose Mother nature’s food which is natural, non-processed and good for you.

Those are three positives for naturally healthy food:

  • you feel good as you eat it.
  • you physically feel good after eating it when you are physically hungry.
  • you feel good for making a good choice.

When you eat junk food:

  • you feel good while eating it.
  • you feel physically bad shortly after eating it and guilty for eating it.

That is one positive and two negatives. Healthy eating is an overall more pleasurable experience.

9. Mental food diary

Research shows that when you keep a written track of what you do, it tends to influence behaviour. However, writing a diary is a chore and it isn’t something that would continue.

Practice making a mental food diary instead.

10. Healthy home policy.

It means that only healthy natural food[3]is bought to eat at home for adults and children alike. “Treats” can be eaten when one is out for the day, etc.

You are not being “nice” or “loving” towards kids or adults by giving them junk food. Don’t train children in wanting unhealthy food.

Sugary food makes them hyperactive[4] , it affects their learning and emotional state and sets them up for long-term sugar addiction and life-long obesity - that is not loving tender care, is it?

When unhealthy food is in the house, it gets eaten. Even people who would never want to eat it, end up eating it when it is in the house after visitors coming or any other such reason.

Before you start:

It is important to know that certain medical conditions can affect your success. The first consideration in unexplained weight gain is the fact that some medical condition could be the culprit.

If someone is gaining weight without any change in eating habits, then it is important that consideration should be given to the possibility that some condition is the actual cause of the problem.


What is the best way to build muscle?

Your muscle requires strength. Yes! strength is the size. The heavier the weights you lift, the bigger your muscles grow, the stronger your body becomes.
Your muscle mass will increase in order to lift heavier weights. Lift heavy weights and you’ll gain muscle mass naturally.

Here are the best tips to gain more muscle mass quickly:
  • get stronger
As I said, more strength is more muscle. Increase the weight you lift on the deadlift, squat, bench press, and your overall muscle mass will increase because strength is the size.
Try to lift more than last time. If you don’t lift more than last month or year, you are not building muscle.

  • train smart
You should train for muscle gain not for fat loss. Focus on lifting heavy weights for 6–8 reps and avoid using light weight for high reps.
Do exercises that work several muscles at the same time, integrate compound movements like squat, bench press, rows, and deadlift. This kind of movements increases the release of testosterone.
Here is an example of a Full body workout plan :
1 – Dumbbell Split Squat (Leg)
  • Single-leg press
  • The Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Squat
2 – Deadlift (Back)
  • Dumbbell deadlift
  • One-armed dumbbell deadlift
  • Bent-over rows
3 – One-Arm Dumbbell Row (Upper Back)
  • Bent over barbell row
  • Hammer strength pulldowns
  • Cable row
4 – Bench Press (Chest)
  • Dips
  • Push-Ups
  • Hammer Strength Chest Press
5 – Dumbbell Overhead Press (Shoulders)
  • Standing Overhead Barbell Press
  • Behind-The-Neck Press
  • The Partial Overhead Press
6 – One-arm overhead dumbbell triceps extension (Triceps)
  • Tricep Pushdowns
  • Close Grip Bench Press
  • Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
7 – Dumbbell Curl (biceps)
  • EZ-Bar Curl
  • Wide-grip standing barbell curl
  • Hammer Curl
8 – Seated Calf Raise (calves)
  • Dumbbell jump squat
  • Standing calf raise
  • Jump rope
9 – Plank (Abs/Core)
  • Dip/Leg Raise Combo
  • Barbell Russian Twist
  • Barbell Rollout
To avoid injuries, start lifting weights and increase the weight frequently, and don’t forget to use a proper form.

  • Go on a caloric surplus
Your body needs calories to fuel workouts and feed the muscles. You can follow the best training plan in the world, but without getting enough nutrients, your muscles won’t grow and recover. Some guys need 3000 calories to bulk, I need 3600 calories.

  • Calculate your calorie needs
To gain muscle, you have to consume calories more than your body needs to maintain weight.
First, calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) then calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) by multiplying your BMR and your average activity level.
BMR for men: (12.7 * height in inches) + (6.23 * weight in pounds) - (4.7 * age) + 66
BMR for women: (4.7 * height in inches) + (4.35 * weight in pounds) - (4.7 * age) + 655
Activity level:
  • Sedentary (little to no exercise): 1.2
  • Lightly active ( exercise for 1–3 times per week): 1.375
  • Moderately active (exercise 3–5 times per week): 1.55
  • Very active (exercise 5–7 times per week): 1.725
  • Extremely active (exercise twice a day): 1.9
A very active man (age: 22 years old | height: 72 inches | weight: 173 pounds)
BMR = (12.7*72)+(6.23*173)-(22*4.7)+66 = 1954 calories
TDEE = 1954 * 1.725 = 3372 calories
This very active man needs a lot of calories to maintain his body weight (3372 calories), to gain muscle with a minimum of body fat, he should increase 300–500 calories. So he should now consume 3372 + 300 = 3672 calories each day.

  • Consume more healthy fat
People think that consuming healthy fats will make them gain more body fat. The truth is high-fat foods are high in calories (1g gives you 9 calories) and may help you to regulate your hormones.
You must include fat in your diet, take 0.5 grams per pound of your body weight. It will help you for maintaining optimal cell structure and hormone levels.

  • Eat more protein
Consuming more protein may help you repair and rebuild muscle tissues and recovery after a hard weight lifting session.
Increase your daily protein intake, 0.8 to 1.4 grams per pound of your body weight. A guy with 180 pounds of body weight should consume 200 grams of protein per day.
The best protein sources are beef, eggs, chicken breasts, salmon, lentils, shrimp.

  • Get enough sleep
The lack of sleep causes a lot of health issues, including hormonal distributions, obesity… It decreases human growth hormone and increases cortisol (stress hormone) levels.
Try to sleep for 6–8 hours per night, recovery is important for muscle growth as well as diet and training. And there is no better way to recover than sleeping.

Metabolism and body type (Something you may consider)
Some people burn energy more than others do, some of them turn energy into muscles, others turn it into fuel for exercise energy.

There 3 body types:
  • Ectomorph: Short upper body, long legs, long arms, with little fat storage. An endomorph has a fast metabolism, which makes gaining muscle a bit harder, he needs more time to reach the goal.
  • Endomorph: The opposite of the endomorph, he is naturally fat with a slow metabolism, he has low carbohydrate tolerance. An endomorph needs to avoid sugary foods to get the minimum of body fat during the bulking.
  • Mesomorph: Large chest, well-defined muscle, and strong body. He is naturally muscular with high testosterone and growth hormone levels.

Something you should know:
If you follow an effective training program, clean diet, and recover, you can gain 1 kg of lean muscle mass per month or 12 kg in a year.
You may gain more than 1kg per month when you start lifting, your muscles store glycogen to fuel your workouts and glycogen binds water, and this water increases your body weight.