A good strategy to lose belly fat fast is to run for 25 minutes every day and follow a diet that’s low in carbs, fats and sugars, so that the body burns the accumulated fat more easily.
It’s important to also do abdominal exercises, because they help strengthen this area, improving the appearance.
Although 1 week is a very short period of time to get rid of all the accumulated fat, it is possible to see some weight loss and reduce abdominal bloating. See what your ideal weight is by entering your data below:
Exercises to lose belly fat in 1 week
Running is an excellent way to lose belly fat fast because it burns a greater number of calories in a short period of time; in just 25 minutes of running, you can burn 300 calories. If you’re just starting out doing physical activity, then go slowly, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts.
Other exercises to complete the daily training to lose belly in 1 week are ab workouts, which in addition to strengthening your core, decrease the amount of fat accumulated in the area, helping you to lose belly.
Abdominal 1
Abdominal 2Best exercises to lose belly fat
he best exercises for localized fat are those that burn a lot of calories in 1 hour of activity, such as the following:
Type of exercise
Aerobics class-260
Rope jumping-400
Fast walk-315
Diet for losing belly fat in 1 week
The trick of this diet is to provide the maximum nutrients with minimal calories, fats and sugars. The following is recommended for this diet:
- Eating 6 meals a day, one every 3 hours;
- Drinking at least 2 liters of water or green tea a day;
- Eating a different salad every day and a piece of meat, fish or chicken that fits in the palm of your hand;
- Eating 2 pieces of fruit a day, every day, preferably low-sugar fruit;
- Eating 2 yogurts with live lactobacilli a day, such as Yakult, because it will help intestinal transit, this way decreasing abdominal bloating;
- Eating less salt, giving preference to herbs and seasoning salads with lemon, for example;
- Drinking 1 cup of boldo tea half an hour before lunch and dinner because it fights flatulence, also known as passing gas, and so diminishes bloating.
Weight loss programs that have lasting effects are those that include regular physical activity and dietary reeducation, however, it is possible to get visible results in just one week. Aesthetic treatments such as lipo cavitation, radio frequency and lymphatic drainage to eliminate excess fluid, fat and give firmness to the skin are all treatments that can complement this weight loss program.
Thanks for reading!