How do I reduce belly fat in a week?

 A good strategy to lose belly fat fast is to run for 25 minutes every day and follow a diet that’s low in carbs, fats and sugars, so that the body burns the accumulated fat more easily.

It’s important to also do abdominal exercises, because they help strengthen this area, improving the appearance.

Although 1 week is a very short period of time to get rid of all the accumulated fat, it is possible to see some weight loss and reduce abdominal bloating. See what your ideal weight is by entering your data below:

Exercises to lose belly fat in 1 week

Running is an excellent way to lose belly fat fast because it burns a greater number of calories in a short period of time; in just 25 minutes of running, you can burn 300 calories. If you’re just starting out doing physical activity, then go slowly, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts.

Other exercises to complete the daily training to lose belly in 1 week are ab workouts, which in addition to strengthening your core, decrease the amount of fat accumulated in the area, helping you to lose belly.

Abdominal 1

 Abdominal 2

Best exercises to lose belly fat

he best exercises for localized fat are those that burn a lot of calories in 1 hour of activity, such as the following:

Type of exercise



Aerobics class-260


Rope jumping-400

Fast walk-315


Diet for losing belly fat in 1 week

The trick of this diet is to provide the maximum nutrients with minimal calories, fats and sugars. The following is recommended for this diet:

  • Eating 6 meals a day, one every 3 hours;
  • Drinking at least 2 liters of water or green tea a day;
  • Eating a different salad every day and a piece of meat, fish or chicken that fits in the palm of your hand;
  • Eating 2 pieces of fruit a day, every day, preferably low-sugar fruit;
  • Eating 2 yogurts with live lactobacilli a day, such as Yakult, because it will help intestinal transit, this way decreasing abdominal bloating;
  • Eating less salt, giving preference to herbs and seasoning salads with lemon, for example;
  • Drinking 1 cup of boldo tea half an hour before lunch and dinner because it fights flatulence, also known as passing gas, and so diminishes bloating.

Weight loss programs that have lasting effects are those that include regular physical activity and dietary reeducation, however, it is possible to get visible results in just one week. Aesthetic treatments such as lipo cavitation, radio frequency and lymphatic drainage to eliminate excess fluid, fat and give firmness to the skin are all treatments that can complement this weight loss program.

Thanks for reading!

Become The Woman You Have Always Wanted To Be

 In the world of relationships and marriages, a man who is able to help his wife become more confident about herself can be an important asset. Successful women know how to attract men by building confidence in herself and in her life. When a woman feels that she is part of a team with other women in her community, she can make some critical improvements in her relationships.

A woman's self-esteem is likely tied into her man's self-esteem. It is critical that a woman has a feeling of belonging in her relationship. When the couple accepts one another as separate individuals instead of trying to compare, it makes them more connected.

Woman are typically insecure and scared. By showing courage and confidence, she shows him that she is able to handle situations and challenges. This makes him feel secure and confident in her company.

Sometimes women think they will be judged if they make a mistake. A woman should be more able to admit when she makes a mistake and realize that he can let her know that she made a mistake. In some cases, these incidents happen very quickly and a woman should take her time before saying anything.

If you have had the same job for many years, you will likely work harder than a woman who has just recently been hired. Women do not always see the value in putting in extra effort to get a promotion. They usually see a promotion as a prize that was given to them because they are willing to work harder than a man. One of the things you can do is to say something like, "Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity," or "I know you want me to do my best."

There are women who prefer quiet areas that don't have a lot of traffic. That way, they can relax and be at peace in their space. Those women often have a very powerful sense of humor and make a very entertaining conversation partner.

A woman can build and maintain a network of supportive female friends. By giving support to women, she is less likely to feel alone. She will be more likely to seek out opportunities to share her wisdom and experience with other women.

When you are with a man, don't be afraid to ask him questions. You need to be comfortable asking him how he is doing and what he thinks of his day. You can't expect him to answer all your questions, but at least you will learn a little more about him as a person when you ask him.

A woman who is committed to an organization will likely keep going no matter what. It may take years to accomplish that, but a woman will still keep going and take on bigger tasks. It takes an enormous amount of courage to keep going when there is nothing else left to do. They are loyal to the company and the seniors and can be trusted.

Women learn how to cope with tough times in a way that is respectful of the situation. Many times, a woman will talk to a man about his feelings and he will sometimes be uncomfortable with what she is talking about. Instead of attacking a man, a woman will try to understand him and how he is feeling.

Relationships are hard work. If a woman wants to be strong and successful, she needs to be empowered by someone who knows how to help her become the woman she wants to be. These tips can help a woman become the woman she has always wanted to be.

There are so many successful women , just a less number of stories about them are told. I look forward to rectifying that. -Gaurav.

Tips For Staying Active During Corona Virus

Exercise will help you stay fit and active.Exercises keep the inner functions of your body in the right conditions. During the COVID-19 outbreak, we all remain in the lockdown. Our movement gets limited. To protect against the virus, you have good health and a strong immune system. You will get some useful tips that will help you stay fit during this coronavirus outbreak. Everyone must perform some healthy exercises that take care of health during this hard time.
Stay-at-home exercises are becoming very popular these days. People are trying something new to keep them flexible and healthy, but they miss their gym environment. Health enthusiasts even get depressed for not maintaining their exercise routines properly. Don't get anxious because it can cause many illnesses. In this article, you will get helpful tips for your health that are easy to maintain in this lockdown.
You should not be worried about the virus and make sure that your health meets the right exercise plans.
It is true that when you are in quarantine, it is very hard to maintain your health. You cannot access the environment that motivates you to give your best.
Although exercises may not give you complete protection from the virus, it improves your immune system and it protects you from various health issues. If you still think that you need a fitness class to keep you in the right shape, you can check classes that offer fitness goals with maintaining social distancing.
Exercise during COVID-19:
If you are planning for the outside activities, you need to check the guidelines stated by your government and plan your routine accordingly. Walking and jogging prove to be good choices for your health. If you have a pet, then you have reason to go outside. Check the plans and come up with the right options.

Social activities with social distancing:
You can enjoy some social activities with the people you are quarantined with. You can dance together and can enjoy the time you have.

Track your activities:
You must track your activity to stay motivated for shedding extra for your health. Use apps and wearables to simply record your all progress. You can also maintain simple journals that give you the best option for your health.

Sneak movement:
You can maintain your health in your lifestyle choices and through your daily chores.
Do your household works: tasks like scrubbing, sweeping, and dusting can also keep you fit and active. These activities keep well your muscles in arms and legs.
Use commercial break:
In the commercial breaks, you can do easy activities for your health like squats, jumping jacks, push-ups, and more.

Move around the house:
When you are talking over a phone, you can choose a walk-and-talk strategy for your health. If you have stairs, go up and down for a few minutes.
These activities will keep you active during the lockdown. There are many such options that you can do for your health. Stay active and maintain hand hygiene to keep you protected from the virus. Social distancing is the key to stop the spreading of the virus.
Use technologies to connect with your gym instructors. Many fitness centers are offering video training process so that you can maintain your health in the right way. You can ask questions to the instructors and can plan the exercises with them. Technology allows you to conduct such meets.
Moreover, enjoy your routine and stay healthy and happy. Coronavirus is a fast-spreading virus and every country is trying hard to control the spread. But, the situation goes worse day by day. Your contribution is needed. Stay indoors as much as possible. It is important to stay alert for the COVOD-19. Always follow government's plans for the precaution.
The writer is spreading the knowledge of the coronavirus and shares tips and exercise plans to keep you healthy in this trying time.