Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts

7 simple ways to lose a little weight

How to reduce tummy fatHere I want to share some tips to help gus. My secret is just 7 steps !

1.Eat less for dinner
Eating too much dinner is not easy to digest, which causes fat to accumulate in the abdomen, and it will naturally grow into a small belly for a long time. Eat as little dinner as possible every day, and eat lightly. If you are not very hungry, just eat 30-50% full. Two hours after a meal may wish to have some yogurt to help digestion. Eat less for dinner is definitely the first premise to help you get rid of your belly!

2. Standing against the wall after meals
Half an hour after dinner, let the entire body face back against the wall, clamp the buttocks, so that the hips, legs, waist, head, neck, etc. are as close as possible to the wall. At first, you can clamp the paper. Whichever falls. After a few minutes, you will be very tired and your muscles will become sour, but you must stick to it. After 15 minutes you will be free! This method can not only thin waist and belly, but also thin neck and face! Do it at least once a day, and you will see results in a week!

3. Keep your stomach muscles in when walking
When you walk and stand normally, you can shrink your abdomen and cooperate with abdominal breathing to make your abdomen firm. This method is invisible.
This helps stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promotes the excretion of waste from the body, and enhances lung capacity. I'm not used to it at first, but just remind myself at any time that "shrink my abdomen can lose weight". After a few weeks, not only will the abdomen become more and more flat, but also the walking posture is more charming!

4. Pick up beans
Bending over the waist can help to thin the abdomen, but bending over the waist looks silly and tasteless, it is more difficult to adhere to, I suggest to pick up the beans!
Pour about 200 soya beans on the ground every day, then bend down (you can't bend your legs !!) Pick up the soya beans one by one and place them in the basin on the table.
Bend down and pick up the beans. Straighten the beans on the waist plate and bend down until you finish picking up the beans. This is equivalent to doing 200 bends and lowering the waist. If you stick to it for a month or two, you can lose your belly, and your hips and legs will have unexpected gains. !!

5.Standing twisted
This can be practiced at noon or at night. If you're watching TV, while you're watching ads, get up and stand, lift your chest and abdomen, then twist your waist left and right(Similar to the twisting movement of belly dance, it is necessary to use the waist to force, not the strength of the legs or back.) Persist 100 times every day to ensure that you can get rid of your small belly!

Massage is the most commonly used method of thinning the abdomen. Using rubbing to promote blood circulation and promote gastrointestinal motility, thereby reducing intestinal absorption of nutrients, allowing metabolic waste to escape from the body, can also help improve constipation!
7.Coarse salt massage
Coarse salt has a sweating effect, which can help discharge waste and excess water from the body. When taking a bath, add some hot salt to a paste to make a paste, then apply it on the abdomen for massage. Wait until the coarse salt particles have completely melted and then rinse off. Then you can start taking a bath. But don't use too much force during the massage to avoid roughening the skin. If your skin is more sensitive, a lighter bath salt will be more comfortable.

8 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

What foods should people never eat if they want to lose weight?

Lots of experts say it's stupid to forbid yourself from eating certain foods — that denying yourself something you really want to eat can ultimately lead to binge eating and eventual weight gain. So dessert isn't on this list — it's OK to indulge sometimes! But some foods really do deserve the ax — especially if you are trying to lose weight. In which case, avoid these foods (when you can!) to fend off cravings and hunger, and support your efforts to slim down.
1.Any snack that only contains carbs

When you eat crackers, dry cereal, bread, or rice cakes alone, your body converts the carbs to simple sugars and sends it directly into your blood stream. In response to the sugar rush, your body produces extra insulin, which helps your body absorb the sugar ASAP. The problem: You end up with low blood sugar and the same hunger pangs that led you to carb it up in the first place. You then may be inclined to reach for sugary foods with no nutritional value to satisfy your need for instant energy.
Eat This Instead: Snacks that contain a combination of carbs, healthy fats, and protein. They take longer to digest, and will, therefore, tide you over for longer. (Another thing: When you treat snacks as balanced mini meals, they contribute to a balanced diet instead of just holding you over between meals.) Try a slice of bread with nut butter, or whole grain crackers with low-fat cheese.
2.Frozen meals

To make fresh ingredients last extra long in your freezer, food manufacturers often load frozen meals with sodium, a natural preservative,. Sodium makes you retain water, which bloats you up — so you won't look and feel your best regardless of how much weight you want to lose.
Also: When food manufacturers try to squeeze a meal's worth of calories into a teeny-tiny box, every bite ends up containing lots of calories by design. While large portions trick your brain into thinking your body is full, the measly portions found in freezer meals are inherently unsatisfying, even though they contain plenty of calories.
Eat This Instead: Pre-frozen leftovers. Just double up on ingredients the next time you cook dinner, then cool and toss leftovers in a microwave-safe container to keep in your freezer for one to six months depending on what you're cooking. Or stock your freezer with frozen veggies and your protein of choice (like chicken breast tenders, which cook faster than full breasts, or veggie burgers) to whip up a meal in the same amount of time it takes to cook a premade microwave dinner.
3.High-fiber snack bars

Yes, everyone needs fiber — it keeps your digestive system churning and keeps you feeling full, even when you're cutting back on calories. What you don't need: Nearly one day's worth of fiber (about 25 grams) in one snack bar, with a diet that's otherwise devoid of it. "Fiber intake has to be consistent throughout the day to stave off hunger, improve digestive health, and not cause stomach upset."
Eat This Instead: Produce that's naturally rich in fiber — any fruit or veggie will do. Make produce a part of every snack and meal you eat throughout the day, and you'll get your daily dose of filling fiber, no problem.
4."Low-fat" foods

Research suggests that people tend to eat upward of 30 percent more when they know they're eating a food that's low in fat. The problem (besides overeating, which can quickly thwart your weight loss goals) is that when food makers remove fat from food, they inevitably remove some of the flavor. To compensate, they often add sugar, which makes the product even worse for you.
Eat This Instead: Healthy fats in moderation. That means dipping your baby carrots in guacamole (which is rich in monounsaturated fats) or hummus (often made with olive oil, another good source of the same healthy fats) instead of fat-free ranch.


It takes several oranges to make one 6-ounce glass of OJ, but when you drink juice, you consume all the calories from those oranges without the natural fruit fibers that fill you up. It's why "even 100 percent juice is just empty calories and another blood sugar spike,"
Another thing: Fructose, the natural fruit sugar that makes fruit and fruit juice taste sweet, tricks your body into gaining weight by blunting your body's ability to recognize when it's full. This makes you eat more, and increases your risk of developing insulin resistance and diabetes.
Drink This Instead: Water! Aaall the water — plus unsweetened tea or coffee when water just doesn't do it.
6.Artificially sweetened drinks

Good-bye, diet soda, and every other sweet-tasting drink that mysteriously contains zero calories! "There are some people whose brains are wired in a way that artificial sweeteners induce or enhance cravings," Meaning: A Diet Snapple that appears to assuage your sweet tooth can actually be a slippery slope toward dessert.
Drink This Instead: Sparkling water: It's calorie-free but carbonated, which makes your stomach feel full, so you end up eating less overall.
7.Cereal sold in a value-size box

The same goes for super-size snack packages. People consume up to 22 percent more when they eat from larger packages. When people know there is more food available, they subconsciously let themselves eat more of it. The same goes for food you buy on sale: You're more likely to consume more when food costs less, according to another study.That's not to say you should spend more on food to eat less overall — it's unsustainable (and silly). If you're going to spring for a value pack of any packaged food, measure out your serving instead of eating out of the bag so you don't fall pray to your own mind's games.
Eat This Instead: One measured serving of said cereal.

It's almost impossible to find a weight loss expert who recommends alcohol for weight loss. (Believe me, I tried.) While some cocktails have fewer calories than others, alcohol just doesn't support weight loss. It contains empty calories that don't fill you up or provide any nutrients, softens your resolve so you're more likely to overeat, and impairs your judgement, regardless of your weight loss goals. (It's why you drunk eat pizza, not salad.) But it gets worse: "When alcohol is present in your body, it's considered a toxin that your body wants to get rid of, and becomes you liver's top priority,". When your liver is in hardcore detox mode, it can't burn fat as efficiently.
Drink This Instead: One of the lower-calorie options on this list: