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Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Cinderella Solution Review (2020): Does It Work?


Are you sick of doing diets?

I’m 100% sick of diets.

Sometimes I manage to lose weight, but I always end up putting it all back on. I have the cellulite and stretch marks to prove it.

So, when I heard about the Cinderella Solution to lose weight, my initial thought was… here we go again.

However, after trying this program for one month and reading up all I could about it, I’m convinced it’s different.

Instead of aggressively restricting food intake like most other diets, the Cinderella Solution focuses on flavor pairing to reset a sluggish metabolism.

In my Cinderella Solution review, I share my personal experience with the program. I’ll reveal all you need to know about it, including how I fared and whether it’s worth it for you.

Let’s begin.

What is the Cinderella Solution?

Cinderella Solution by Carly Donovan is a weight loss method for women. It uses a flavor-pairing system taken from the Japanese nutrition system called Shoku-Iku.

Flavor-pairing helps to reset sluggish metabolisms in the body. It does this by balancing three essential hormones. This process helps to heal the body from the inside out and discourages over-eating.

You can access all the content via downloadable digital eBooks, PDFs, and video tutorials.

The program lasts for 28 days and is broken down into two 14-day phases called “Ignite” and “Launch.”

In the Ignite phase, you eat three daily meals, and in the Launch phase, you eat four daily meals. There are 14 different meal plans for each day of both phases.

Why I dived into this program

How many times you have worn clothes to hide your wobbly bits? Or tried to hide cellulite and stretch marks?

I’ve lost count.

You end up wearing baggy, frumpy clothes to hide your fat. It only makes you feel even more unattractive.

We’ve all been there…

When you are carrying that extra weight, it can also make you feel paranoid. I have worried in the past that my partner might leave me.

Sometimes you end up taking drastic action and do dangerous diets or take pills to lose weight fast.

After researching the science behind Cinderella Solution, it made a nice change to hear about a weight loss solution that is safe, practical, and sustainable.

Who can benefit from the Cinderella Solution?

The diet is not dependent on your age. It’s biologically suitable for women aged from 20-years-old up to 65-years old. Therefore, it can work for practically everybody.

Bar men of course!

If you’ve done disaster diets all your life and yo-yo-ed in weight… like me… then this diet is a great solution.

Thankfully, gone are the days of reading endless food packets to add up the calories. There is no calorie counting involved, and you can lose six times more weight than with traditional diets.

The Cinderella Solution is a healthy way to lose weight compared to the usual hardcore fat-burning diets. You’re not endangering yourself mentally or physically.

You only need to have at least 10 pounds of weight to lose.

Bye, bye frumpy clothes and yo-yo rebounds of weight.

Who is Carly Donovan?

Carly Donovan (pictured above) is a nutrition specialist and creator of the Cinderella Solution. She was once overweight and showed signs of depression, diabetes, and hypertension.

She was planning to use the $10,500 she had saved to have liposuction. But then she read an article about Japanese women who were healthier and lived longer than American women. It was all attributed to flavor-pairing.

Carly wanted to learn more about the Japanese flavor-pairing method. In the end she went to a bio-nutrition laboratory and funded a group of scientists to crack the “Japan Code.”

The flavor-pairing strategy she created has reversed all her health problems.

She’s been in the weight loss industry for ten years and has helped thousands of women achieve their own “Cinderella” lives.

The science behind the Cinderella Solution

As I mentioned above, Carly funded a team to find out more about flavor-pairing. Over six months, they did 75 interviews with doctors, endocrinologists, and scientists.

The game-changer was looking at why fat stored itself in a body. Most diets adopt a fat blasting approach  but not the Cinderella Solution.

Carly highlights stats that hit the mark. A woman dies every 20 seconds from weight-related diseases.

Hardcore dieting over many years can affect your immune system and metabolism.

It makes shocking sense when you think about it…

These hardcore fat-burning diets are putting so much stress on our bodies.

Scientists have discovered three hormones in a woman’s body that affect our metabolism as we age. They are cortisol, insulin, and estrogen.

Carly refers to them as the Queen, beautiy and youth hormones. During puberty, they are essential, as they help make us look attractive to men.

Annoyingly, after puberty, these hormones become the horrible stepsisters of a fairytale nightmare.

  • Cortisol is the “happy-hormone.” But it becomes the hormone that gives you anxiety, depression, and stress.
  • Estrogen is the “pretty-hormone” that kept wrinkles away and gave you toned skin. It now gives you cellulite and age spots.
  • Insulin, the “skinny-hormone,” does a flip and makes it hard for you to lose weight and maintain weight.

Because every month, these hormones still want to make sure your body is ready to become pregnant.

I couldn’t help thinking that I wish I had known this years ago. I could have saved myself a lot of time, money, and heartache.

It’s 200,000-year female evolution at the end of the day.

The science-backed formula of the Cinderella Solution is this:

The diet helps you to regulate these pesky hormones and activate your sluggish metabolism.

What is Flavor Pairing?

I’d never heard about flavor-pairing before I discovered the Cinderella Solution, so this concept was exciting to read about.

The Cinderella Solution works when you combine food correctly. When you start eating right you end up feeling full quicker.

Your body receives “signals” to use your biggest “storage-zones” as fuel. It means you end up eating less and are less prone to binge eating.

You know… when we grab a packet of biscuits and can’t stop till they are all gone…

Carly Donovan groups food into four groups and uses names that fit with the Cinderella theme. These are Angel Carbs, Prime Proteins, Power Carbs, and Royal Fats. This two-step flavor-pairing system is easy to use and feels very natural.

I liked the fact that there are meal plans you can use. But you still have the freedom to mix and match some meals.

It’s not like this in other diets.

The Japanese Connection of Shoku-Iku

The method originates from the Japanese system called Shoku-Iku. This term translates to nutrition architecture. It was a mandatory nutritional platform adopted in Japan to help women.

The goal of food pairing was to promote “wellness from within.” Also, to “create hormonal and metabolic balance…”.

Japanese women generally eat more carbohydrates than any other country. Compared to American women, they are eating double the amount!

Yet Japanese women also live on average to 87-years-old, and have lower rates of heart attacks, strokes, dementia, and depression.

Of the 11 Shoku-Iku flavor pairing rituals, the Cinderella Solution only uses four pairing rituals. These are the ones that lose weight most effectively.

For example, the “Fat-Flush Tea” that helps you lose fat when you are fast asleep. Or a carbohydrate-pairing that can help you get rid of that belly fat and chunky thighs.

The Cinderella Solution also uses other pairing concepts. Here are a few of them:

  • Movement Pairing. In Australia, women use zero-cardio, movement rituals to remove fat from soft areas.
  • Spice Pairing. Learn how to use two common dessert spices to lose weight faster.
  • Wine Pairing. Drinking wine at a set time to help eliminate enzymes that cause strokes.

What’s included in the Cinderella Solution package?

Here is a list of the items you receive with Cinderella Solution.

Main Manual

This 93-page eBook is in PDF format. It is full of information on female metabolism and weight loss hormones. There is also a food plan section that details the food and combinations that you can use.

Quick Start Guide

You can go straight to the quick start guide and avoid reading the main manual first. It is super handy if you’re going to get started straight away. However, you will need to look at the main manual for more detailed information.

Food Lover’s Recipe Playbook

This book has the same food and meal plans that Carly used to lose 84lbs. There are also other recipes on top of this that cover breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There is also a 22-page dessert recipe book.

The Cinderella Solution Accelerator (New Freebie)

The Accelerator package comes as a free bonus. It is a combination of the best success stories and is a real testament that the program works.

As the name suggests, it can help speed up the whole process for the first three weeks. It includes: –

  • 21-day Kick-Start Nutrition Guide
  • The Accelerator Main Manual
  • The Accelerator Movement Sequencing Book
  • The Accelerator Movement Sequencing Book can accelerate everything, but the exercises are optional. They consist of eight to twenty-minute gentle movement sequences.

They work with the female metabolism and therefore are gentle on the body. The program has fifteen workouts, each with six to ten exercises.

There are video tutorials if you need further help, and these are in the Workout Video Library. You can access these via an online page.

How much does the Cinderella Solution cost?

The basic package costs $37. It has a 60-day “Glass Slipper” money-back guarantee. For an extra fee, you can also gain access to Carly Donovan and a 24-hr support team.

Compared to other diets out there (which have significant drawbacks compared to this one), the price seems excellent value to me.

My personal experience with the Cinderella Solution

As I mentioned earlier, I can be quite skeptical about “new” diets simply because I have done so many before with the same disappointing results.

I am tired of the “ups and downs” of dieting.

I like the Cinderella Solution as it is from a “real woman.” She is not a self-proclaimed health guru or aloof TV doctor.

Carly has been on the diet battlefield, like you and me. She has real scars… or should I say stretchmarks?

The diet is for women only.

I found this appealing as I have done so many broad brush diets that are really hard work.

Most of them are fat-blasters with intense exercises. I suspected that all these diets were hard as they are designed for both sexes. So, I was looking for a diet that is less aggressive on the body.

I am also not a fan of calorie-counting on diets. I find it tedious and time-consuming. With the Cinderella Solution, you don’t have to do all that.

To be honest, I have done so many diets; trying a new one is not a problem. But finding a diet that works long-term is the problem. And this diet is sustainable. I’ve had no problem finding the food and preparing the meals that Carly recommends in her program.

I also didn’t know about the three hormones that were affecting women’s bodies. I like to view myself as a seasoned dieter, but I had never heard about them.

How much weight have I lost in the last month?

8 pounds.

And I’m pretty thrilled about it.


Here are some of the advantages of the Cinderella Solution diet program.

  • Alternative menus. Carly has different meal options for everybody. This attention to detail is a nice touch that is unusual in the dieting world. These include meals for pescatarians, vegans, and vegetarians, and people who must watch lactose and Ovo.
  • Easy to do. It is incredibly easy to follow, and the recipes are simple. There is no need to count your calories. You do not need any previous experience in dieting.
  • Helps to regulate your hormones. The Cinderella Solution method can help to balance your cortisol, estrogen, and hormonal insulin levels. As a result, it can further contribute to eradicating certain diseases and illnesses.
  • Not expensive. The package cost itself is cheaper compared to other diets. You only need a yoga mat and some dumbbells if you decide to do the exercises.
  • Quick results. If you use the Accelerator program, you can see results extremely quickly.
  • Scientifically proven to be healthy. It’s healthier than other diets as there are no drastic fat-burning tactics. There are minimal side effects.
  • Video library tutorial. If you do decide to do the optional workouts, you can access a video library for detailed tutorials.


My aim is to write the most comprehensive and objective Cinderella Solution review out there. So these are the negative things which are worth you considering before you take the plunge.

  • Initial side-effects. You might experience a slight headache or body change in the first few hours. But it is only the activation of the fat cells and enzymes.
  • Watch what you eat. It is not a particularly restrictive diet, but you still need to watch what you eat. Certain foods are a no-go.
  • Women-only diet. If you like to diet with a male partner, this diet is not suitable for men.

Cinderella Solution review final verdict

As we all know, diets come back into fashion as often as the mini skirt. But to get into that mini skirt, you need to do a diet that works.

Carly claims her flavor-pairing method is deliberately not discussed in the weight-loss industry. She is probably right, as it is a cheaper and easier way to lose weight than other products out there.

I think Cinderella Solution is a breath of fresh air in a saturated and regurgitated diet market.

The program is based on sound science, preparing the food is easy enough, and I can see myself staying on this diet for the long term.

If you want to lose weight in a sustainable, science-backed way, then the Cinderella Solution is a great way to do it.

La seule chose qu’elle a appliquée est cette Astuce Faite-Maison du « couplage des glucides » qui permet de reconditionner vos 3 hormones féminines de perte de poids afin d’accélérer considérablement le brûlage de vos graisses tout en mangeant les aliments que vous aimez.

Vérifiez par vous-même…

Resurge Review - Lose Weight

Resurge Reviews Update: This is a newly released deep sleep plus weight loss supplement in the market that has been designed for older adults to help them with effective weight shedding. This formula deals with the specific needs of the body to help in effectively slimming down.

Other formulas are for the entire population which is why they fail to address the particular concerns that older adults have which keep them from trimming their excess pounds and getting in shape. Since this product is an entirely natural one we can rely on it to be safe and efficient.

Other formulas are for the entire population which is why they fail to address the particular concerns that older adults have which keep them from trimming their excess pounds and getting in shape. Since this product is an entirely natural one we can rely on it to be safe and efficient.

Resurge Review

Have you noticed that losing weight has become tougher for you with age? This is because as you climb up the age ladder, your body starts to slow down. Many essential processes such as metabolism now work at a snails pace. Moreover, several essential nutrients that are needed in your body start getting depleted because of being low in production.

This is why it becomes more and more difficult to shed off excess pounds and also why older adults are typically overweight. Is there a solution for this problem or is the person confined to a fat physique just because he cannot turn the clock in his favor? A supplement such as Resurge can prove to be quite helpful in this scenario.

This product has been especially designed to help older adults with their weight loss goals. It triggers the metabolic activity of these people to work faster as well as nourishes their body so that they are able to live a better lifestyle. Essentially, this formula accelerates the fat burning processes of the body which results in higher energy levels and hence, better health.

Leptitox -product review

I’ve never had the impulse to write a review for a product before. I figure people will discover for themselves how good something is without my help. But after trying the Leptitox supplements this changed; I knew I had to help other people understand what this product offers, since it gave me what I had been after for years.

I personally didn’t find Leptitox because of a review, I found it because I was desperate. I had been struggling with my weight since I was a teenager and after a few decades had had enough. I had been on every diet imaginable (low-fat, low-carb, fruit fasting... I tried everything) as well as various health products and workout programs. I spent time and money on things I hoped would change me. So I came to Leptitox with a LOT of skepticism and a baggage-load of disappointment.

The fact they offered a 60 day money-back guarantee made the decision to purchase a lot easier. Less to lose. I’m so glad they chose to offer the program this way, since it made it more appealing for someone like me who really couldn’t emotionally deal with another thing which felt like it just took my money, without even delivering the results. 

When you buy the program you automatically get the 60 day money-back guarantee. I already took a few basic supplements (a multi-vitamin and vitamin D—for the cloudy Washington days) and just slipped the Leptitox supplement alongside these, so it wasn’t that hard for me to remember to take them. If you’re new to taking supplements you may need to set an alarm on your phone etc, but this wasn’t an issue for me. It was easy to remember to take them, I just left the bottle out on the surface with my other vitamins.

I guess their effect could be considered magic, but they’re that way for a reason—for a scientific reason—that’s what creates the change. First of all, they’re 100% natural. That made me feel better right off the bat. They’re mainly composed of herbs, with a spice or two, and a couple science-y sounding amino acids thrown in for good measure. 

These 22 ingredients work together to do 3 things: help the body detox, control the appetite and promote healthy weight loss. The daily dosage is 2 capsules taken once a day, and you’re supposed to take those 2 capsules 20-30 minutes before you eat. For me, it was easiest to take this dose first thing in the morning—my work schedule is too erratic to have it later in the day. I would have it before breakfast, and this really worked for me. It was easy to remember: I got out of bed and pretty much took the capsules then and there, then I could just get on with my day, not having to remember it again. Pretty easy.

Before Leptitox I had no clue about how EDC’s—endocrine disrupting chemicals—disturb the way my body works, I didn’t even know they existed! (Which kind of made me wonder about why society doesn’t make a bigger deal of them... but anyway....) 

They mess with the body in a major way and they’re found in so many things around us, things we could consider “safe” or “inert.” 

Now that I’ve mentioned results... (if you’ve stuck with my review this far you’re probably wondering what they are.) I achieved more than I thought would be possible for me. The first week I lost 2-3 pounds; encouraging, but I still passed it off as circumstantial thinking next week I’d be back at my regular weight. Long story short: at the end of the 60 day money-back guarantee period I had lost 17lbs, and in another 60 day period I had reached a 32lbs loss! To say I was thrilled would be an understatement.

Most diet protocols call for extreme deprivation and punishing workouts. With Leptitox I didn’t have to do any of that. Now, did it take no effort at all? No, I had to be dedicated to taking the supplements, and address and fix the weak areas of my lifestyle which added unnecessary toxicity. I had to think about what I was doing, but did I have to run myself into the ground? Not at all.

This program gave me the body I never had (or at least hadn’t had since my early teens.) If I can inspire you to take a chance—like I did—and try Leptitox for yourself I really hope I’ve done that. Now that I’ve experienced what I have I can say that taking the risk and trying “one more thing” is worth it. Even after a string of failed diets and weight loss plans please don’t give up on yourself. Change is possible. It happened for me and it turned my life around.