Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts

What Is Better: 10,000 Steps or an Hour of Cycling?


Have you heard the recommendation to walk at least 10,000 steps every day to stay healthy? Sounds good, but what if you’d rather ride your bike? Which way of keeping healthy is more effective? Let’s take a closer look.

Walking takes up more time

Walking 10,000 steps would transport the average person about 8 km (5 mi). If we consider the average speed of walking, 5 km/h (3 mph), then it would take roughly 1 hour and 36 minutes to complete the daily amount of steps.

Cycling burns more calories

The average walking speed of 5 km/h (3 mph) makes the average person burn approximately 232 kcal per hour. So the whole distance of 8 km, or 10,000 steps, will make you burn about 371 kcal in total. Cycling at a moderate speed of 20 km/h (12 mph) burns approximately 563 kcal per hour. And the difference is even bigger when we increase the intensity. A fast walking speed of 6.5 km/h (4 mph) burns 352 kcal per hour, while a fast cycling speed of 30 km/h (19 mph) burns 844 kcal per hour.

Cycling is better for obesity prevention

Researchers from London investigated the relationship between various commuting methods and obesity risk. Data from 150,000 participants revealed that both walking and cycling showed better results than taking a car or public transport. Walking was associated with significantly reduced BMI and body fat, but to a lesser extent than cycling. The average study participant who cycled to work would weigh about 5 kg less than a similar person commuting by car.

Walking doesn’t require any equipment

These numbers don’t mean much if you don’t do the exercise in question, and walking has the upper hand here. Anyone can go for a walk under almost any circumstances. With cycling, you need a bicycle, ideally a well-maintained one; you also need a helmet and somewhere to ride.

Is cycling better?

If you love it, then yes! Cycling is more time-efficient, burns more calories, and is better at keeping you fit and slim. And the “disadvantage” of having to own and maintain a bike is probably something you enjoy anyway. But if cycling is not your thing, walking will do the job too – anything but sitting on your butt!

10 Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work

 One study showed that only 1 out of 5 people managed to lose the extra weight because of the weight loss

 process or ideas or any diet used without taking any tips. (Learn More about Keto Diet) While you are in a weight loss journey you must follow the weight loss tips regularly to intense your weight loss journey. Here are 10 weight loss tips that actually work to reduce your extra Fat.

1. Increase Steps Day After Day.

Every day add Steps while on pedometer or pavement until you reach at least 10,000 per day. You have Full day, whenever you get the time use it to increase your steps, do whatever you can to be more active, take the dog out for an extra walk. A pedometer can make your Task Very easy to do.

2. Home and Office Full of Healthy Snacks

People often opt to eat foods that are convenient, so it is best to avoid keeping prepackaged snacks and candies on hand. Most of the People love to Eat Convenient Foods like packaged Snacks and Candies because these are quite available but it is very best to avoid such snacks and candies to keep up your weight loss Journey. Study shows that people who keep unhealthy Food at home found it more difficult to manage weight loss. Therefore Keeping Healthy foods like Nuts with No added Salt or Sugar, Fruits, Prechopped Vegetables, Low Fat Yogurts, and Dried Seaweed, can be more helpful for your weight loss journey.

3. Perform weight training.

Performing weight training has a low impact on losing weight than cardio workouts but it helps to keep the level of metabolism which is more important while you are in a long-term diet. When you are in weight training that makes the metabolism much faster and it does not let the body shift to the low energy consumption position. But you must remember to eat some protein after weight training workout because your muscles will get stronger and lose extra fat as well.

4. Ignore Liquid Calories

Beverages like sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, chocolate milk, and energy drinks are full of liquid calories. Such Drinks are very bad and unhealthy in many ways, including an increased risk of fatness. Some study shows us that the drastic 60% increase in the risk of Fatness among children, for each day having a sugar-sweetened beverage. Most of the obesity among the children because of Liquid Calories. Therefore while having such beverages you must think twice about the result. It's very important that your brain does not index liquid calories the same way it indexes solid calories, so you terminate adding these calories on top of whatever that you eat.

5. Every Day Eat Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is not the best idea to lose weight but those who are successful regarding weight-loss one habit is common they have breakfast every day and try to avoid skipping breakfast. Many think that skipping breakfast is the best way to cut calories but they are wrong and most of the time they usually end up eating more entire day. Studies show us people who have breakfast have lower BMIs than Breakfast-skipper and they work better whether at office work or anywhere else. So, try to have a bowl of whole-grain cereal topped with seasonal fruits and low-fat dairy to start your day with Nutrition.

6. Having more protein

Having more protein can help a person lose weight. Research shows that a high-protein diet helps people preventing obesity. Data shows that a high-protein diet of 25-30 grams of protein per meal provides improvements in appetite, bodyweight management, cardiometabolic risk factors. Therefore people should have more and more eggs, chicken, fish, lean meats, and beans because these foods are high in protein and low in fat. Some examples of Lean proteins include Fish, Beans, Peas, Lentils, White poultry, Low-fat cottage cheese, and Tofu.

7. Drink Green Tea (No sugar added)

Green tea one of the best Natural beverages loaded with antioxidants and many health benefits such as intensify fat burning and weight loss. It especially increases of fat burning process of harmful belly fat. Powder Green tea has more powerful health benefits than regular green tea.

8. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Most extremely healthy foods are fruits and vegetables and they are weight loss friendly as well. They usually have very low energy but high in water, nutrients, and fiber. Therefore while having a larger amount of fruits and vegetables without consuming too many calories. That is why many studies show that people who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to weigh less.

9. Stop added sugar

It is nearly impossible to give up sugar but avoid processed foods is the first step to take against sugar. According to a study Men aged 19 years and above ingests an average of more than 19 teaspoons of added sugar a day. Meanwhile, women in the same age group ingest more than 14 teaspoons of added sugar a day. More sugar that People ingest comes from fructose, which the liver breaks down and turns sugar into fat, it let out these fat cells into the blood, which can guide to weight gain. Therefore no more sugar added while having any foods and stop eating foods contain sugar.

10. Fasting

Study shows that intermittent fasting can help people to lose weight and maintain their weight loss. But Fasting is not helpful for everyone; it can be dangerous for children, pregnant women, older people, and people with various health disorders.

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How can I lose belly fat and maintain a flat belly?

Hiii friends, I checked all Quorra ansswers and best tips to how to lose belly fat naturally on the internet as below. I hope you enjoy it.
2. Think eating plan, not diet.
Ultimattely, you neeed to pick a heallthy eatiing plan you can sticck to, Stewart says. The benefit of a low-carb approach is that it simply involves learning better food choices—no calorie-counting is necessary. In general, a low-carb way of eating shifts your intake away from problem foods—those high in carbs and sugar and without much fiber, like bread, bagels and sodas—and toward high-fiber or high-protein choices, like vegetables, beans and healthy meats.
#2. Use TheFlatBellyFix technique:
TheFlatBellyFix by Todd Lamb is a uniique sysstem desiigned to blasst away stubbborn bellly fat in as litttle as 21 days.
Now, I know it likkely sounnds likke just another gimmicky fitness plan that promises to provide results, but don’t be mistaken. Often times, most of those programs will provide results if you follow their regime precisely. Unfortunately, the regime is usually too unrealistic to follow. The good news is that the same can’t be said about The Flat Belly Fix.
In fact, it’s likkely one of the easiiest progrrams to add into your daily regime because it doesn’t require you to spend hours on end working on your health and fitness, yet it still focuses on exercise and healthy eating. Intrigued? As was I! Let’s discover whether this online fitness program is worth your pretty penny.
3. Reduce your stress levels
Strress causses youur body to gain fat because it triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn increases your appetite.
How do you reliieve strress? To an extent, the answer is personal – we're all different – but studies consistently show that getting out in nature and regular bouts of meditation work to reduce our anxiety.
4. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods
Caloriie for caloriie, sugar is different to other food groups such as protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat, because it confuses your normal appetite controls and causes your body to produce fat. Refined sugars are often hidden in a plethora of different products that you wouldn't expect such as fruit juices. Make sure to check the labels before eating the products.
5. Address food sensitivities
Peoplle offten have foood sensitivities that go unaddressed for years. If you think you may be suffering form an allergy, it's important that you report it to your doctor who may refer you to a dietitian.
Common food sensitivities include dairy and gluten, both of which can result in an inflammation of the gut, making it even more prone to developing more sensitivities. Addressing these allergies can have dramatic impacts on weight loss, and even mood and behaviour.
6. Perform resistance training
Everryone knows that regullar exercise is necessary in order to lose weight; however not everyone knows that resistance training is one of the best way to do so.
Resiistance traiining, also known as weight lifting or strength training, is important for improving and maintaining muscle mass. It also helps to spike our metabolisms, which means your body burns fat even after you've left the gym.
Howevver, it's worrth saying that the best possible training plan probably combines a variety of exercises. In one study of teenagers, it was proved that a combination of weight training and aerobic exercise was the most beneficial – which means that barbell curls alone aren't the answer.
7. Get plenty of restful sleep
Sleeep is one of the most imporrtant aspects of your overall health and wellbeing, especially when it comes to managing your weight. In one 16-year study, it was shown that women who slept for less than five hours a night were significantly more likely to gain weight around their bellies than those who slept seven hours or more.
Eassy ways to imprrove the quality of your sleep are by making sure you don't look at screens late at night, and by practicing some gentle yoga before bed.
8. Eat fatty fish every week
Omegga 3 fattty acids are lauded with such attractive qualities as delaying ageing and fighting degenerative diseases. However, it's less well known that eating fatty fish is also excellent for weight loss (when accompanied by a balanced diet and regular exercise, of course). Foods such as mackerel and herring are high in protein and 'good fats' that help to break down some of the more dangerous fats in your body. Try to eat fish twice or thrice a week.
9. Replace some of your cooking fats with coconut oil
Put asiide the butter and olive oil: coconut oil should be your new go-to medium for frying and basting. The reason is that it can withstand much higher heats, so it's less carcinogenic than other oils. Studies show that the medium-chain fats in coconut oil boost metabolism and decrease the amount of fat you store in response to high calorie intake.
10. Eat plenty of soluble fibre
Soluble fibrre is ideal for aiding weight loss because it forms a gel with the food in your digestive tract, slowing it down as it passes through. Studies show that this type of fibre helps you lose weight because you feel fuller for longer, meaning you naturally eat less.
Excelllent fooods to eat to increase your soluble fibre intake include avocados, legumes and blackberries.