Showing posts with label Yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yourself. Show all posts

What are the best ways to lose weight?

Here is 7 TIPS from me:

1. What is your body type?

What this means to you on a physiological level. My friend who is an ectomorph continually complains that he can never put on muscles.
Being a mesomorph is one of the main reasons I am able to lose weight easily. The reverse is also true, I can gain up to 2kg in a week if I remain inactive. To maintain my weight, I need 20mins of moderate workout at least 4–5 times a week.
2. Determine your body fat percentage, basal metabolic rate, calorie intake
It is important to monitor your body fat percentage, and not just focus on how much weight you are losing. Weight loss can result from many reasons, water loss, muscle degradation, and you want to be sure that you are gaining muscles and losing body fats.
The amount of energy (in the form of calories) that the body needs to function while resting for 24 hours is known as the basal metabolic rate, or BMR. This number of calories reflects how much energy your body requires to support vital body functions if, hypothetically, you were resting in bed for an entire day. In fact, your BMR is the single largest component (upwards of 60 percent) of your total energy burned each day.
While you can’t magically change your BMR right away, knowing your personal number, how it’s calculated, and which factors most influence your
metabolism, can help you use this data point to create a smarter strategy for weight loss (or maintenance).
Calorie mindfulness: In order to lose weight, you need to have slightly less calories going in than you need, so your body will tap into the reserve energy stored in your body. Be sure, you don’t starve yourself. This will result in your body going to “starvation mode” and it will do everything to hold on to the fats in your body because it thinks you will not be able to get nutrients on time. Losing weight is possible when you eat right. This will come in handy when you move on to the stage of determining your diet.

3. Set your goals
You need to set goals for yourself. This can be intimidating. I had a total weight loss goal of 21kg, and wanted to lose 6" off my hips (I started at 41" when I came back from my holiday). This can seem very difficult and almost impossible to achieve.
This row actually extended to the top of the wall because it started at 77.5 kg! Removed them once I crossed the 70 Kg barrier. Never going back to those days.
I broke down my goals into mini goals, so that I would feel motivated every time I reached one of my mini goals. This kept me going especially during periods when I would hit my plateau.
Personally, my plateau points were 72kg and 69kg. The next plateau point I will reach is at 65kg. This means that for 1–2 weeks, I will not see any change in my weight. Don’t freak out if this happens. Sometimes your weight might even go up. If you have been eating healthy, and consistently working out, this just means that your body is putting on muscle and soon you will notice the fats melting away. Everytime I break my plateau points, I lose another 1–1.5kg in 1 week.
Gotta get your head in the games, folks!
Mental preparation for weight loss regime is critical for maintaining this as a lifestyle rather than just a phase that you go through to get a “summer body.” You need to believe that you can shed the weight and this should be supported by why are you doing this. Is it to just look good for a holiday or are you making a commitment for life? This way, you won’t be yo-yoing between your weight, which itself is bad for your body.

4. 80/20 rule of losing weight
Hang on! We are halfway through the plan and we aren’t even at the workout plan? There is a simple explanation for this, that you have to remember.
Losing weight is a strategic game plan. You need to have a plan in mind before you start hitting the gym aimlessly. Sure, you will lose some weight, but will you be able to keep it off? 80% of your body is shaped in the kitchen, and only 20% of is dependent on your workout itself.
So what does this mean? It simply means that you have to be mindful of your diet. Knowing more about your food, how it is being prepared, and the nutritional values of what you are putting into your mouth will help you change the way you eat.
You can gym all you want but if your diet sucks, it doesn’t matter!
I used to eat everything because I am such a food lover. I still eat what I love but in moderation. Previously, I used to have chocolates on a daily basis, and now I only have it once a week maximum.

5. Your body is in the kitchen
I spent a lot of time researching on diets that will help me optimise my weight loss. I had done something similar in 2014, when I was even more of a health nut so I had a head start this time.
Start with small, gradual changes to your habits. This will help you commit to the new changes. Diving headfirst into a complete overhaul can be a shock to your system and you are more likely to switch back to your old habits. I enjoyed going onto pinterest and discovering new healthy recipes to try out.
My food plan breakdown:
  • Breakfast: I start by drinking either
     lemon water or Ginger honey tea to kickstart my digestive system. I like to add chia seeds to my drinks so I get an extra boost of fiber & nutrients as well.
     Breakfast is either Oats with some berries or a
     protein rich breakfast of 2-ingredients banana pancake. I have now taken to spreading a little coconut butter on my pancake, just to switch up the flavors some days and it is packed with healthy fats!
  • Lunch: For the first two weeks, I didn’t have any meat at all. I was mainly vegetarian and I would have seafood anytime I craved meat. This is something I do to cleanse my palate. It helps me to adjust better to the healthier options I am switching to in the upcoming weeks because their flavors are more light and usually meat, especially red meat, masks their flavor.
    Since then, my lunch consists of a serving of salad with some protein component. If I am cooking from home, I have salmon fillets in my fridge which I fire up over a pan and have it with some veges. If I am buying from outside, I look for grilled options and eat with no-carbs. Or at the most, as a wrap.
  • Snacks:
    This makes a huge difference! I swapped out all my sugar treats that I normally reserve for this time, with nuts or berries and the change was incredible.
     Without all this refined sugar running through my blood, my mind is more alert, my skin got clearer, and there weren’t any epic dips in my mood during the evening from the dreaded sugar crash.
  • Dinner:
    I kept my dinner light. Usually it was some steamed fish with boiled or grilled vegetable medley.
  • Other tips:
  • Drink water! I cannot emphasise the importance of staying hydrated. It shocks me how little people drink water. I usually have about 1.5L of water by lunch, and another 1L by dinner, and then about 2–3 cups of water before I sleep. My friends call me a camel. haha!
  • Instead of eating fried food, switch to grilled or steamed food
  • Start eating more alkaline food instead of acidic food
The benefits of the alkaline diet are said to include higher energy levels, fat loss, increased concentration and clearer skin.
  • Reduce or stop processed food. If it has too many chemicals, then you know it’s bad for you.
  • Stop intake of alcohol or limit yourself to just one glass.
  • Reduce dairy intake or just stop it altogether

6. Workout routines
Time to head over to the weight section of your gym!
I love to work out. I love how I feel when I am doing weights and I can feel myself getting stronger.Every time I am able to lift a heavier weight, or increase my reps from the last time I did it, I would get a euphoric high that is kind of addictive.
Biggest myth that women must overcome: Using weights will make you into a ripped out hulk!
No, you will not get this way. This is through extreme dieting, workouts and usually some hormonal play is involved.
Girls, go pick the weights, barbells, kettle bells! You will not pack on muscles like a ripped body builder. We don’t have enough testosterone to develop overly bulging muscles. You can lose fat faster when you have more muscles because they are the ones burning the fats in your body.
“You need to exercise at full intensity because the end goal is to burn more calories, and high intensity exercise does just that,” says Natalie Jill, a San Diego, Calif.-based certified personal trainer. High intensity workouts mean you’re going all out for as long as you can. If this sounds intimidating, think of it this way: You’ll burn more calories in less time.
I usually go to pinterest to give me inspiration. I have saved all the workouts that I do here on Pinterest. When I started going back to the gym in November, I started with just 20mins in the gym. Sticking to going to the gym 3 times a week, working out with HIIT training helped to rev up my stamina and got me back into the headspace I needed to commit to the change.
Example of a workout I follow. I vary my routines so that I don’t get bored and my body doesn’t get used to them.
“You need to do a combination of weights and cardiovascular training,” says Sangeeta Kashyap, MD, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Strength training increases muscle mass, which sets your body up to burn more fat. “Muscle burns more calories than fat, and therefore you naturally burn more calories throughout the day by having more muscle,” says Kate Patton, a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic. Patton recommends 250 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 125 minutes of high-intensity exercise a week.
On days that I don’t have time to commute to my gym, I will work out from home. I have saved a list of workout videos that you can mix and match to create your own personal workout playlist.
You just have to commit to coming back 2–3 times a week,and soon you will find yourself doing more. If you are a beginner to working out, it would be better to join classes with a trainer or have a 1-on-1 trainer.
Form is everything in exercising. If you do it wrong, you are more prone to injury and your workout wouldn’t be efficient anyway. I have worked with personal trainers who have guided me in getting my form right so I am able to work out without much guidance.
When it comes to workouts, you should do activities that you love. Because this will make you happy to do it, and you will look forward to the activity so you will keep going back. Think about it, aren’t you more likely to do something that you love rather than something that you hate? Our subconscious mind is built to drive us towards pleasure. So try out different activities and do what gives you the most happiness.
My weekly routine:
  • Sunday: Interval running for 10mins. (slow warm up for 3mins, then 40s sprints for 4 rounds 20s normal pace, 200m all out sprint, 2mins cool down)
  • Monday: Arms, back, shoulders
  • Tuesday: Legs & core
  • Wednesday: Cardio & strength training from home
  • Thursday: Arms, chest & shoulders
  • Friday: Legs, thighs, & core
  • Saturday: Break [the break day sometimes swaps around depending on my commitments for the day but I stick to working out 6 days a week]
  • Warm-ups: I do 8mins on the staircase climber machine, then 10mins on the row machine, and then either strength or cardio on the rope-pull machine.
  • Cool down: Stretches to loosen up the muscles, and it varies depending on the muscles being worked out that day.
  • Music: I love listening to music with fast beats, inspirational lyrics while I work out because it helps me to keep my pace.

7. Give yourself a break
Every step of the way, remember this!
This is a lifelong commitment. It’s not a fad. So give yourself a break. When you are out, and you see a cake that you really really want to have, buy it. Share it. Or eat it by yourself. Research has shown that if you constantly deny yourself, you are bound to binge when you finally get what you want. So just savour the moment. There is no such thing as a “guilty pleasure.” Just “pleasure.” And you deserve it!
Hope i help you guys.

How can yoga affect your life?

"This hurts so bad," is what I think to myself for the first few classes I took for yoga.
My instructor, a soft spoken Chinese lady with a comforting smile, came around to place a block underneath my back.
"How are you holding up, Alia?"
Struggling to maintain my breath, I told her every major muscles of my body hurts. It hurts so bad I was about ready to give up.
"You do just fine, this bridge is gonna make you a better runner." Then off she went to correct the posture of another yogi.
We were running uphill when my friend begged me to stop.
"I don't know what you're doing, girl…but you seem to pick up the pace nowadays," he bend forward, put both hands on his knees and curse under his breath. "I don't think I enjoy running with you anymore; you're getting way too fast!"

Last class for the month. I have been waking up with sore back and tired arms. My instructor noted how much I have improved for the last 2 months.
I told her I'm moving out of town by next month and I will not be attending her classes anymore.
"Well I hope you continue practicing since now you roughly know all the basic poses. Plenty of youtube videos to further improve your posture and poses, yeah?"
The first day I roll out my yoga mat at my new place, it feels terrifying. I have never done yoga on my own and need guides to do it. But I keep pushing through the worst of it.
Even doing this pose above makes my neck cranes uncomfortably and my spine feels like it's gonna snap anytime.
I texted my instructor from time to time looking for tips and advice. She told me if I persist, time will be on my side and I will do better.
Gotta have faith in yourself once in a while, that's what she told me.
Today I woke up without alarms. The first thing my mind wanders to is, today I gotta run.
I haven't been running a lot but every time I do it, my breathing slows down to a rate where even when I push, the faster my legs carry me forward.
I do not panic anymore in the whirlwind of things moving too fast and life getting on your nerves.
The past few weeks my arms were less sore and my shoulder doesn't hurt as much when I push myself to go faster. I texted my instructor after my run and told her that I have been progressing with yoga to a point where doing sirsasana is considered as relaxing after a hard run.
Me, closing my eyes and letting my mind calms down after solo run.
She applauds me for my courage to hold steady in that pose. She asked if I have been feeling less worry about the world? Has my run been keeping me back from discovering the best part of myself? Has yoga makes me a state of mindful being?
I told her "my run and yoga goes hand in hand; it's like going to war with running but coming back home to a comforting family with yoga."
So she ended the conversation by saying "you've reached the peak of yourself, when you don't prioritized over just one thing and have now similar level of worries with everything. You have learned to move on and get going."

How To Sell Yourself?

Selling is a master skill in the world.
First time you sell yourself when you cry for milk to your mom.
Selling is always situational. And it is modified as per the need of others. It is very easy to speak on but much difficult to apply.
It requires practice and only practice.
It requires brain and learning.
I would mention couple of examples how you sell at different situations.
* Talking in other's term
* Putting yourself in other's shoes
* Smile
* And Knowing people (otherwise you will fail many times)
* Appreciate genuinely
+In interview you don't just blabber. You connect to the company's need.
+ To woo a woman you praise her and LISTEN to her.
+ To get a deal you connect to people (gatekeeper, user, influencer,
decision maker)
+ All the big and great people are Great Salesmen.
Selling is never an overnight learning. You need to sweat it out like many others. Everyone is not born with this talent, but we can surely learn it.
Selling is a matter of faith. If you have faith in yourself and your product, your conviction will show. People can read through smooth talkers, so the more honest and forthright you are, the better you come across to the person sitting opposite.
You are not a commodity. The world might have become very materialistic but still old world qualities like simplicity, punctuality, etiquette are upheld in the world of marketing and everywhere else likewise.
Every person likes the sound of his/her voice. People do like to talk and make their views heard. Look at Quora, everyone wants to say what they think of what. Same rule applies in the real world. Selling is all about listening and blending in, nodding, agreeing, hearing, smiling and the works. Nobody cares what and who you are. From experience I can say, sellers are the best listeners too.
Be assertive not aggressive. Assertiveness is all about sharing your point of view, aggression is about telling the other person to agree with you. Loud expressions, waving of hands, putting up a show for others puts people off.
You are what you are. Originality is a rare commodity. Be what you are. If are a loud person by nature, so be it. Loudness can also come with sensitivity and empathy.
Always remember:
Know yourself. Have a brutally honest review of your strengths and weaknesses. See if there are opportunities for growth, to better align yourself with the skill sets required for your career path. Take stock of all of your varied experiences throughout your life and see if any relate to one another in unique ways. Understand how you see the world and how you prefer to work.
Know you audience. Recognize the type of groups, people, organizations, and individuals that you may be selling your self to at any given time. Each of these entities will require a different approach. Use the right tools, presentation mediums, and communication techniques required for each entity. Simple complexity is a good goal, as is knowing the scale, degree.

And last but not least There Is No Short Cut To Sell Yourself.
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