Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts

So by now you're probably wondering what this Secret Obsession is, right?


Hi, My name is James...
And just 90 seconds from now I'm going to let you in on something every man is secretly obsessed with.
More than love, more than money, even more than sex.
And the craziest part is this one secret obsession holds the key to winning a man's love, attention, and total devotion for LIFE but not one woman in a thousand even knows it exists!
And those that do almost never share it with another soul.
After 12 years of working with thousands of amazing women as a relationship coach, I've witnessed the secret male obsession to be the key to a man's heart.

Because once you understand it, you'll be able to make the man of your choice feel a burning desire for you that's so powerful that you'll literally become the most important person in his life.

The person he thinks about all day long.

And you'll also hear the real-life stories of women who used this same secret obsession to create the deepest love of their lives, all from seemingly "hopeless" situations and how you too can create the love you deserve.

Because no matter how bad your situation seems right now...
  • Even if you're worried your man is losing interest after getting intimate with him too soon...
  • Even if you've given up hope that your man will ever commit to you...
  • And even if he's been completely ignoring your calls and texts

Because the moment you flip this secret trigger in a man's heart (a trigger so secret that 99% of women and men don't even know it exists) he'll feel a surge of desire for you that goes far beyond physical attraction... and makes him see you in a whole new light.

Without even realizing it, he'll start to picture you in his life and every other woman, past and present, will fade from his mind.

Because when you tap into a man's most primal, inner desire, you literally become his OBSESSION.

And even though he's starting to feel the deepest love connection of his life, he won't know why...

So by now you're probably wondering what this Secret Obsession is, right?

Well, to put it simply, it's a recently discovered primal drive that ALL MEN are powerfully influenced by without even knowing it.

Every man you know agonizes over this primal drive more than anything else... Even his sex drive.

In fact, this drive is so hard-wired into a man's mind that is subconsciously controls everything he does.

From the time he wakes up to the moment his head hits the pillow at night.
It's something I've come to call...

And I now believe it's the biggest secret to becoming a man's deepest passion and priority in life.

In fact, it doesn't matter how "in love" or "infatuated" a man is. If the woman he's with doesn't bring out his Hero Instinct, he'll always feel like something important is missing and he'll eventually seek out a woman who knows this secret.

On the other hand, when you know how to trigger a man's Hero Instinct, his heart will be yours, and yours alone. And he'll go to the ends of the Earth to make you happy.

What makes a man fall in love with a woman?

The Attraction Trip-Wire That Awakens a Man’s Deepest Longing for Love

Trip Wire: “A hidden trigger that sets off a series of explosive events.”

Deep within the heart of every man is an intense longing to be someone’s hero.

This longing has ancient origins.

You see,the cause of this longing is written into the very fabric of his DNA.

And there it lies, dormant… until one day, the right trigger unleashes its power.

I’d like to show you how to become that trigger, and how to awaken the full force your man’s bonding instinct.

But first, a story. It’s the story of human connection.

Before we can care deeply about someone, we must know something about their life story.

Because stories evoke empathy. Stories allow us to picture ourselves in someone else’s shoes.

Stories form the foundation of all human connection. They create the sensation of one shared life experience.

It’s strange, but true, that we can even find ourselves rooting for thieves and criminals so long as we see their story unfold.

Movies like Ocean’s Eleven and The Italian Job illustrate this well.

In the movie, Ocean’s Eleven, actors George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon make for a cast of likeable thieves.

But beyond their good looks, we get pulled into the story. We discover what’s driving Danny Ocean’s motivation to rob a casino.

A casino that just happens to be owned by his ex-wife’s new lover.

We can empathize with Danny Ocean’s pain. And by the end of the movie we are actually rooting for him to get away with it.

To steal the money and disappear into the sunset with his ex-wife, Tess, by his side.

Perhaps stranger still is the way we respond to fiction in the first place.

A skilled novelist can have me on the edge of my seat, rooting for a person who doesn’t even exist in real life.

Literary critics may scoff, but I actually liked the twilight series by Stephanie Meyer.

I think my hand was actually trembling from adrenaline as the Volturi began to march across the field, intent on destroying Isabella’s daughter.

But wait, that’s all make-believe. So how could it cause a physical reaction in my body?

The answer, of course, is the power of story.

Since ancient times, stories have been the primary means by which humans communicated important information. Because of that, our minds are literally wired for story.

Stories influence our emotions. They are at the heart of communication. Allowing us to feel connected to each other.

When I reach the end of my life, I know which people I will want by my side. It will be those who have witnessed my life story.

The friendly, pretty nurse may be a wonderful person.

But if she is a stranger to me, it doesn’t matter what positive attributes she has. I will still feel alone. Because she does not know my story, and I do not know hers.

Knowing this instinctively, she will expend great effort to quickly summon my friends and family. The people who know my story.

To trigger a man’s deepest feelings of attraction, you need to become a special part of his story.

You do that by revealing your needs, and allowing him to help you meet them. Why?

Because it triggers his hero instinct.

Here’s the formula for triggering a man’s hero instinct:

Story + Need = Activated Hero Instinct.

A man’s hero instinct compels him to seek a relationship that lets him take on the role of a provider.

That’s why guys fall for a woman who knows how to trigger this attraction tripwire.

It sets off a series of reactions in his emotional world. It makes him happy in a way that’s hard for women to understand.

Because they do not share his deeply rooted instinct to become someone’s hero.

Many women are vaguely aware of a man’s desire to see himself as a provider.

They understand, for example, why he may become depressed and pull away from others during a period of unemployment.

But these same women fail to recognize the power of the opposite effect…

Make a man feel like your hero, and you unleash his desire to commit to something more. He can’t help it.He just starts to see you differently.

It’s as if your relationship unlocks a version of himself he has always longed for. It feels right in a way he can’t put into words.

It unleashes his protective instincts, the noble aspects of his masculinity, and most importantly, his deepest feelings of love and attraction.

If that sounds good to you, click here to learn more about this relationship enhancement tool. It’s something you can learn once, but then use for the rest of your life.

You already have needs and desires. Why not learn how to translate those desires into requests that trigger his hero instinct?

Then relax into the warmth and passion he is only capable of showing to a woman who has triggered his hero instinct.

A woman who knows exactly how to become the central character in his emotional world.

Ready to put this idea to use? Great!

Because I’ve written this free report to show you a set of triggers you can use to get explosive results. Click here now to see for yourself.

After reading this free report, many women are surprised to learn a man can actually feel more deeply in love when he feels more deeply needed.

That seems strange, doesn’t it? And yet that is the reality for men.

Many of us have a tendency to buy gifts of the sort we would like to receive ourselves. It can be like that with love. We try to love our partner the way we want to be loved.

So you make him feel special. Yet he seems unaffected by that. You speak your own native love language to him. Apparently, he speaks another.

But I’m here to tell you about one incredible, universal method you can use to grab his attention by triggering his hero instinct.

Click here now to discover an unfair advantage that works with all men, in every phase of life. Help him finally see you as the one.

How do you define and measure physical fitness?

Aerobic fitness is generally measured quantitatively using one measurement: VO2(max) [1]. This is deemed sufficient for anyone who is a casual athlete or below; you would need more metrics for, say, an olympic athlete or an air force pilot. VO2 is measured as 15*(fraction of resting heart-rate), or

Where HR(rest) is your resting heart-rate, such as 15-20 minutes after you've woken up, before you've started any strenuous exercise. To get to your HR(max), the most common, and easiest, way is to use a treadmill that has a heart-rate monitoring device. 

The treadmill is the best device to use for this because it keeps you at a consistent pace. The general method (off the top of my head) is 
  1. Start off at a pace of 1.5-2mph and 0% incline for 2-3 minutes
  2. After given time, measure heart-rate
  3. Increase incline by 1%
  4. Walk at current pace and incline for 2-3min
  5. Measure HR
  6. Increase pace by 1mph
  7. Walk at current pace and incline for 2-3min
  8. Measure HR
  9. Repeat until you either have to stop or your HR plateaus (be careful not to go above 5% incline - just increase pace)

The idea is to let your heart adjust your heart-rate to compensate for the increased metabolic consumption of oxygen because of your muscles. You stay at the given pace/incline for a few minutes because your HR will jump at first, then slope down to a level that your heart and body is comfortable at. If you want to be absolutely safe and accurate in your measurements you could allow for about 5 minutes per fluctuation, but that would take a long time.

Numbers - There technically isn't any max, but if anybody has a number of above 60 either you did something wrong or your heart can handle a HUGE strain: it would imply that your HR(max) is at least 4 times your HR(rest), which is unlikely unless you're a trained athlete. My number, for instance, is 54, but I train every day and my resting HR is very low. Some athletes can reach 70-80 and above, but they would be world-class (such as olympians).

According to the Wikipedia page, the average VO2 is -

Men (untrained): 45

Women (untrained): 38

Note: If you don't have access to a treadmill, and/or a hear-rate measuring device, I would recommend using a local high school track and measuring your heart-rate with your fingers and a watch.


What is The Cinderella Solution?

Cinderella Solution program focuses on the ICE dysfunction which turns around the idea that there is some imbalance of the insulin hormones. The program teaches women how they can lengthen their lives just for eating healthy. The system works with weight and exercise plan for women over 30 who want to lose more than ten pounds. It works by restarting three hormones that regulate metabolism. You will get to know when and which food and drinks to consume in order to keep optimal weight. It also explains targeted weight loss and reveals the concept of change sequence and how it is better than the cardio workouts. There is more to that since the program is a pure legit program. All you need to do is to buy the guide and learn more about this guide as you get to lose your weight to that what you have always wished for.

Cinderella Solution is the every woman’s solution, to combating the major decrease in metabolism that occurs after puberty.All the new studies have shown that women go through a major hormonal transition between puberty and menopause that makes it difficult to lose weight and to maintain a healthy figure, as it diminishes your metabolism. This program teaches you how to reactivate your female fat loss code to boost your metabolism and to start burning off excessive weight. Instead, the entire system is 100% safe and natural and focuses on getting a specific series of exercises and nutrition into your day that reactivates your metabolism. So, if you’re looking for your own Cinderella Solution, here’s what you can expect from this program.

  • Benefits
Rapid weight loss: This comprehensive program will help you to start shedding your extra weight quickly and efficiently like never before.
Healthier body: You will get a number of recipes with this program that teach you how to make tasty and nutritious meals for a healthier overall body.
Works for everyone: One of the best things about this product is that it can work for virtually every woman who is overweight.
Scientifically based: All of the information, tips, and advice you get with this guide are rooted in science and extensive medical research.
  • Bonus
  1. Quick Start Guide
  2. Movement Sequencing Activity Guide
  3. 21 Day Kick Start Nutrition Guide
  4. Your Complete System
  • Pros
  1. This Cinderella Solution is available for everyone at an affordable price.
  2. It is written in a very easy language, so it’s easy to understand and follow.
  3. You do not follow any restrictive food diet. For example, you won’t have to go completely carb-free.
  4. This training plan was developed by fitness experts so there is no risk.
  5. Above all, exercises recommended in training plans are easy to perform even for amateurs.

  • Cons
  1. Cinderella Solution is available only online so there is a need for internet connection.
  2. You have to follow all the instructions carefully to get the desired results.
  3. This program is recommended only for women.