How can I lose belly fat and maintain a flat belly?
Hiii friends, I checked all Quorra ansswers and best tips to how to lose belly fat naturally on the internet as below. I hope you enjoy it.
2. Think eating plan, not diet.
Ultimattely, you neeed to pick a heallthy eatiing plan you can sticck to, Stewart says. The benefit of a low-carb approach is that it simply involves learning better food choices—no calorie-counting is necessary. In general, a low-carb way of eating shifts your intake away from problem foods—those high in carbs and sugar and without much fiber, like bread, bagels and sodas—and toward high-fiber or high-protein choices, like vegetables, beans and healthy meats.
#2. Use TheFlatBellyFix technique:
TheFlatBellyFix by Todd Lamb is a uniique sysstem desiigned to blasst away stubbborn bellly fat in as litttle as 21 days.
Now, I know it likkely sounnds likke just another gimmicky fitness plan that promises to provide results, but don’t be mistaken. Often times, most of those programs will provide results if you follow their regime precisely. Unfortunately, the regime is usually too unrealistic to follow. The good news is that the same can’t be said about The Flat Belly Fix.
In fact, it’s likkely one of the easiiest progrrams to add into your daily regime because it doesn’t require you to spend hours on end working on your health and fitness, yet it still focuses on exercise and healthy eating. Intrigued? As was I! Let’s discover whether this online fitness program is worth your pretty penny.
3. Reduce your stress levels
Strress causses youur body to gain fat because it triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn increases your appetite.
How do you reliieve strress? To an extent, the answer is personal – we're all different – but studies consistently show that getting out in nature and regular bouts of meditation work to reduce our anxiety.
4. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods
Caloriie for caloriie, sugar is different to other food groups such as protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat, because it confuses your normal appetite controls and causes your body to produce fat. Refined sugars are often hidden in a plethora of different products that you wouldn't expect such as fruit juices. Make sure to check the labels before eating the products.
5. Address food sensitivities
Peoplle offten have foood sensitivities that go unaddressed for years. If you think you may be suffering form an allergy, it's important that you report it to your doctor who may refer you to a dietitian.
Common food sensitivities include dairy and gluten, both of which can result in an inflammation of the gut, making it even more prone to developing more sensitivities. Addressing these allergies can have dramatic impacts on weight loss, and even mood and behaviour.
6. Perform resistance training
Everryone knows that regullar exercise is necessary in order to lose weight; however not everyone knows that resistance training is one of the best way to do so.
Resiistance traiining, also known as weight lifting or strength training, is important for improving and maintaining muscle mass. It also helps to spike our metabolisms, which means your body burns fat even after you've left the gym.
Howevver, it's worrth saying that the best possible training plan probably combines a variety of exercises. In one study of teenagers, it was proved that a combination of weight training and aerobic exercise was the most beneficial – which means that barbell curls alone aren't the answer.
7. Get plenty of restful sleep
Sleeep is one of the most imporrtant aspects of your overall health and wellbeing, especially when it comes to managing your weight. In one 16-year study, it was shown that women who slept for less than five hours a night were significantly more likely to gain weight around their bellies than those who slept seven hours or more.
Eassy ways to imprrove the quality of your sleep are by making sure you don't look at screens late at night, and by practicing some gentle yoga before bed.
8. Eat fatty fish every week
Omegga 3 fattty acids are lauded with such attractive qualities as delaying ageing and fighting degenerative diseases. However, it's less well known that eating fatty fish is also excellent for weight loss (when accompanied by a balanced diet and regular exercise, of course). Foods such as mackerel and herring are high in protein and 'good fats' that help to break down some of the more dangerous fats in your body. Try to eat fish twice or thrice a week.
9. Replace some of your cooking fats with coconut oil
Put asiide the butter and olive oil: coconut oil should be your new go-to medium for frying and basting. The reason is that it can withstand much higher heats, so it's less carcinogenic than other oils. Studies show that the medium-chain fats in coconut oil boost metabolism and decrease the amount of fat you store in response to high calorie intake.
10. Eat plenty of soluble fibre
Soluble fibrre is ideal for aiding weight loss because it forms a gel with the food in your digestive tract, slowing it down as it passes through. Studies show that this type of fibre helps you lose weight because you feel fuller for longer, meaning you naturally eat less.
Excelllent fooods to eat to increase your soluble fibre intake include avocados, legumes and blackberries.
At-Home Exercises
Life can get busy, and oftentimes we find ourselves traveling or otherwise unable to get to our preferred health and fitness facility for a workout. Every Sunday we will see exercises that can be done at home to help you stay on track, no matter where you find yourself. Using only your own body weight,these versatile moves can help you create a total-body at-home workout that fits your needs and abilities.
Today we workout with Wepo balls 10lb&6lb.
1. Lags & Shoulders- 3X15 Squat to Press.
2. Inner Thighs & Shoulders- 3X15 Sumo to Press.
3.Booty & Bicep - 3X15 Side Lungest to curl.
4. Booty- 3X15 Kick backs.
5.Booty- 3X15 Squat to Press.
6.Abs- 3X15 In&Out Add Obliques.
It is Only 6 Exercises Try It At Home.
cc: Angoswede.
10 Weight Loss Tips To Make Things Easier & Faster
- Eat a high-protein breakfast. Eating a high protein breakfast has been shown to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day.
- Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. These are the most fattening things you can put into your body, and avoiding them can help you lose weight .
- Drink water a half hour before meals. One study showed that drinking water a half hour before meals increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months .
- Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list). Certain foods are very useful for losing fat. Here is a list of the 20 most weight loss-friendly food on earth.
- Eat soluble fiber. Studies show that soluble fibers may reduce fat, especially in the belly area. Fiber supplements like glucamanna can also help.
- Drink coffee or tea. If you're a coffee or tea drinker, then drink as much as you want as the caffeine can in them boost your metabolism by 3–11%.
- Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. Base most of your diet on whole foods. They are healthier, more filling and much less likely to cause overeating.
- Eat your food slowly. Fast eaters gain more weight over time.Eating slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones.
- Weigh yourself every day. Studies show that people who weigh themselves every day are much more likely to lose weight and keep it off for a long time.
- Get a good night's sleep, every night. Poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for weight gain, so taking care of your sleep is important.
which home fitness equipment is best?
The 10 Top-Rated Home Workout Essentials for a Fitter, Healthier Body
One of the best things you can do for your body is to exercise with gym equipment. Yet, many people balk at heading to the gym out of personal fears such as embarrassment in addition to some gym memberships being quite expensive. Moreover, it’s not always fun working out and sweating in front of strangers. Not to mention, it can be a struggle to find time to get ready and then drive to a gym every day, let alone fit a workout in.
Instead, it is much more convenient to have and use your own home workout equipment. In contrast to paying for a membership, you have everything available at your convenience. Plus, you don’t have to drive to the fitness center, and you get to work out in the privacy of your own home.
To help you find the best home workout equipment, we’ve curated a list of 25 top-rated essentials, from chin-up bars to exercise balls, complete home workout gyms, and more. Ratings information is based on Amazon reviews and is current at the time of publication.
1. Ab Roller:
Current Rating: 4.3
The ab roller is one of the most popular forms of gym equipment because it is affordable, portable, and it works. Who doesn’t love the look of tight, lean abs? Now, you can finally get rid of that muffin top. Yet, standard ab crunches can quickly hurt your back. With this ab roller, you can ensure perfect form while whittling away that tummy butter.
Key Features:
- Good for all fitness levels.
- Portable.
- Lightweight.
2. Odoland 3-In-1 Ab Wheel Roller Kit:
Current Rating: 4.4
The Odoland Ab Wheel Roller has 3 wheels that let you roll in any direction, on any floor surface. In addition, it comes with a resistance band to heighten the level of training. Once you feel you’ve moved up a level, just add a resistance band to improve your results. Moreover, it’s so portable, you can travel with it. With this ab roller, you’ll be ready for the summer in no time.
Key Features:
- Includes a knee pad.
- No-slip comfort grip.
- Comes with travel bag.
3. Balance Ball Chair
Current Rating: 3.7
Having proper balance is essential to good health. When you have bad posture, it affects your internal organs since they feel the pressure as well. Plus, you need core strength to improve posture, too. Well, this alternative desk chair helps you do just that by simply sitting down. The Gaiam balance ball chair fits most chairs from desk chairs to dining chairs. When sitting, this balance ball helps to relieve back pain, boost energy, and align the spine. If you’re suffering from back issues, you should add this to your pain management routine.
Key Features:
- Build a healthier back.
- Removable balance ball.
- Comes with air pump.
4. Best Choice Tri-fold Gym Mat
Current Rating: 4.5
When working out, it is essential to have a comfortable mat. No one wants to lie on a potentially dirty floor. Plus, the mat helps to take the pressure off the impact of cardio exercise. And, it offers soft support when performing exercises while lying down. What’s nice about this mat is it folds for portability. And, it has carrying handles for easy transport.
Key Features:
- Puncture-resistant.
- Carrying handles.
- Portable.
5. Best Fitness Functional Trainer:
Current Rating: 3.7
One of the most efficient methods for losing weight and building muscle mass is through weight lifting. In fact, you need to lift weights to increase your metabolism. Well, now you can easily do so with this functional trainer. It comes with 19 vertical pulley adjustments and a 190-lb weight stack. Yet, surprisingly, it won’t take up a lot of space. In addition, it is easy to set up.
Key Features:
- Integrated straight chinning bar.
- Three-year frame warranty.
- Adjustable pulleys.
6. Bowflex PR1000 Home Gym
Current Rating: 4.4
When it comes to home workout equipment, who hasn’t heard of the Bowflex? Well, the PR1000 version is the perfect model to get newbies back to exercising. For this type of equipment, it has an affordable price point that offers over 30 strength exercises. Plus, you get up to 210 pounds of resistance. Once you start using this machine, you may be surprised how quickly your body starts to shape up.
Key Features:
- Horizontal bench.
- Lat pull down.
- Rowing machine rail.
7. Bowflex Xtreme
Current Rating: 4.3
Now that you are aware of the power of the Bowflex, it is time for an upgrade. If you’re ready to take your fitness to the next level, then the Bowflex Xtreme 2SE is for you. In fact, you can add up to 410 pounds of resistance. You might not need that much weight to keep your body toned and tight, but it’s nice to know you have the option. Still, it is compact enough to fit in a room or the garage. And, it features over 70 exercises to ensure you have a rockin’ body.
Key Features:
- Compact.
- Integrated lat tower.
- Patented power rods.
8. Doorway Chin Up Bar
Current Rating: 3.9
If you’ve been looking for something portable that will give you a great workout, then this doorway chin up bar is the way to go. Put it on your bedroom door and get some chin ups in before breakfast. It’s fun to use, and the solid steel construction ensures it is durable. In fact, it can safely support up to 300 pounds. And, it is a great workout for your back, abs, shoulders, chest, arms, lats, triceps, and biceps.
Key Features:
- Multiple foam grip positions.
- Flat design.
- Easy to install.
Current Rating: 4.0
What’s nice about this piece of gym equipment is the fact that it is so portable. All you do is snap on flex packs for extra resistance. With the leg and door attachments, you can get a full body workout. Plus, it comes with a guide that includes workouts and nutritional guidance.
Key Features:
- Two-year warranty.
- SpiraFlex resistance.
- Comes with exercise DVD.
10. DynaPro Exercise Ball
Current Rating: 4.5
All home gyms need a stability ball. The DynaPro exercise ball provides 2,000 pounds of stability. Use it for balance, to gain core strength, and for yoga. It also comes with an anti-burst feature to ensure many comfortable uses. Plus, you can inflate it quickly with its accompanying hand pump. Not to mention, at under $20, you just can’t beat the price.
Key Features:
- Work out anywhere.
- Use for all forms of exercise.
- Portable.
How do you define and measure physical fitness?
Aerobic fitness is generally measured quantitatively using one measurement: VO2(max) [1]. This is deemed sufficient for anyone who is a casual athlete or below; you would need more metrics for, say, an olympic athlete or an air force pilot. VO2 is measured as 15*(fraction of resting heart-rate), or

Where HR(rest) is your resting heart-rate, such as 15-20 minutes after you've woken up, before you've started any strenuous exercise. To get to your HR(max), the most common, and easiest, way is to use a treadmill that has a heart-rate monitoring device.
The treadmill is the best device to use for this because it keeps you at a consistent pace. The general method (off the top of my head) is
- Start off at a pace of 1.5-2mph and 0% incline for 2-3 minutes
- After given time, measure heart-rate
- Increase incline by 1%
- Walk at current pace and incline for 2-3min
- Measure HR
- Increase pace by 1mph
- Walk at current pace and incline for 2-3min
- Measure HR
- Repeat until you either have to stop or your HR plateaus (be careful not to go above 5% incline - just increase pace)
The idea is to let your heart adjust your heart-rate to compensate for the increased metabolic consumption of oxygen because of your muscles. You stay at the given pace/incline for a few minutes because your HR will jump at first, then slope down to a level that your heart and body is comfortable at. If you want to be absolutely safe and accurate in your measurements you could allow for about 5 minutes per fluctuation, but that would take a long time.
Numbers - There technically isn't any max, but if anybody has a number of above 60 either you did something wrong or your heart can handle a HUGE strain: it would imply that your HR(max) is at least 4 times your HR(rest), which is unlikely unless you're a trained athlete. My number, for instance, is 54, but I train every day and my resting HR is very low. Some athletes can reach 70-80 and above, but they would be world-class (such as olympians).
According to the Wikipedia page, the average VO2 is -
Men (untrained): 45
Women (untrained): 38
Note: If you don't have access to a treadmill, and/or a hear-rate measuring device, I would recommend using a local high school track and measuring your heart-rate with your fingers and a watch.
How can I increase my fitness?
Once we know what physical conditions we have, the next step is to improve them. For this I give you 5 practical tips that will help you a lot on your way to a healthier life
1-Take care of your diet
The way you feed yourself will depend on your progress. To eat in a healthy way, I recommend two aspects. First, learn to prepare your food, because knowing what you eat and the way it was prepared will help you to have control over your diet. Eating healthy does not have to be boring; Be creative in the kitchen and this will help you both achieve your goals and save money. Second, avoid processed foods , as they contain sugars and preservatives that harm your health and therefore affect your physical condition. Buy more vegetables, vegetables, fruits, eggs and meats (red and white).
2-Create your training ruin and follow it
Organize a training plan according to your physical abilities and establish the time you will spend. Thirty minutes a day 4 times a week is a good start. Find the activity that best suits you, whether it is running, walking, swimming or doing functional exercises. The important thing is that you work your body as a unit, that is, doing exercises where as many muscles are involved as possible.
3-Train by circuits
When doing aerobic activities (running, walking or swimming) train by circuits, doing short repetitions at your maximum capacity. This type of training is very effective because it is a high intensity work that will help you burn more fat, develop and improve your cardio respiratory capabilities in a short time. I give you an example:
Trot 5 to 10 minutes at a gentle pace to warm up, then do 10 repetitions of 20 seconds at full speed and rest 40 seconds. You can also do this by bicycle, swimming or jumping rope.
4-Work your flexibility
Muscle flexibility is very important to avoid injuries. We must understand that, as we get older, we lose it and that is why it is essential that we work it. At the end of your workout spend at least 8 minutes to stretch all the muscles, to relax and to avoid pain after training. In addition to maintaining our muscular health, flexibility improves circulation, balance and coordination, which is very important in older people to avoid falls. It also improves posture and helps fight stress.
5-Train or play in a group
If you do not like to train just join a training group or invite your friends to exercise with you. This will make you feel challenged and motivated to achieve your goals. One way to exercise and have fun is to play with your friends or your family sports such as football, basketball, volleyball or any activity that helps you stay active outside the routine, in addition to sharing good times will help to substantially improve your physical condition .
Here is an example of a routine you can do from the comfort of your home:
-2 rounds rest 1 minute between series.
-50 jumping jacks or marine jump as fast as you can.
-2 to 3 rounds without rest (depends on your physical capacity).
-20 squats.
-20 push-ups or push-ups.
-20 kneeling up.
-20 abdominals.
Remember to work your flexibility. Always stretch your muscles.
This routine can be followed for 1 to 2 weeks and you can add more rounds, or if you prefer, more repetitions per exercise. It is a complete body routine that you can do anywhere without much space or much time. A final tip: do it as fast as you can.
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