How can yoga affect your life?

"This hurts so bad," is what I think to myself for the first few classes I took for yoga.
My instructor, a soft spoken Chinese lady with a comforting smile, came around to place a block underneath my back.
"How are you holding up, Alia?"
Struggling to maintain my breath, I told her every major muscles of my body hurts. It hurts so bad I was about ready to give up.
"You do just fine, this bridge is gonna make you a better runner." Then off she went to correct the posture of another yogi.
We were running uphill when my friend begged me to stop.
"I don't know what you're doing, girl…but you seem to pick up the pace nowadays," he bend forward, put both hands on his knees and curse under his breath. "I don't think I enjoy running with you anymore; you're getting way too fast!"

Last class for the month. I have been waking up with sore back and tired arms. My instructor noted how much I have improved for the last 2 months.
I told her I'm moving out of town by next month and I will not be attending her classes anymore.
"Well I hope you continue practicing since now you roughly know all the basic poses. Plenty of youtube videos to further improve your posture and poses, yeah?"
The first day I roll out my yoga mat at my new place, it feels terrifying. I have never done yoga on my own and need guides to do it. But I keep pushing through the worst of it.
Even doing this pose above makes my neck cranes uncomfortably and my spine feels like it's gonna snap anytime.
I texted my instructor from time to time looking for tips and advice. She told me if I persist, time will be on my side and I will do better.
Gotta have faith in yourself once in a while, that's what she told me.
Today I woke up without alarms. The first thing my mind wanders to is, today I gotta run.
I haven't been running a lot but every time I do it, my breathing slows down to a rate where even when I push, the faster my legs carry me forward.
I do not panic anymore in the whirlwind of things moving too fast and life getting on your nerves.
The past few weeks my arms were less sore and my shoulder doesn't hurt as much when I push myself to go faster. I texted my instructor after my run and told her that I have been progressing with yoga to a point where doing sirsasana is considered as relaxing after a hard run.
Me, closing my eyes and letting my mind calms down after solo run.
She applauds me for my courage to hold steady in that pose. She asked if I have been feeling less worry about the world? Has my run been keeping me back from discovering the best part of myself? Has yoga makes me a state of mindful being?
I told her "my run and yoga goes hand in hand; it's like going to war with running but coming back home to a comforting family with yoga."
So she ended the conversation by saying "you've reached the peak of yourself, when you don't prioritized over just one thing and have now similar level of worries with everything. You have learned to move on and get going."

The Top 7 lean Muscle-building Foods

1. Eggs
Eggs have been vilified for years as artery-clogging foods. But further research into the role of dietary cholesterol Opens a New Window. and heart disease shows that for most people, the two are not linked. Eggs have since returned to the spotlight as a health food, especially for building serious muscle. The cholesterol found in eggs yolks serves at the scaffolding for steroid hormones, and the ½ a gram of leucine in each egg is like throwing gasoline on your muscle-building fire.

2. Nuts
Nuts are a must for any guy struggling to put on muscle weight. 1 ounce of cashew or almonds contains 150-170 high quality calories. Nuts are the perfect blend of protein, fats, and fiber, allowing you to get the extra calories you need without having them pad your waistline. Nuts are also extremely portable, making them the perfect thing to snack on during the day if you need to increase your calorie intake.

3. Protein Shake
A protein and carbohydrate recovery shake should be the cornerstone of your muscle-building program. Drinking a shake consisting of protein and carbohydrates before your workout sets the stage for optimal muscle growth and nutrient usage. Research from several universities shows that this power nutrition combination puts the brakes on excess muscle breakdown, jacks up protein synthesis, rapidly refills stores of muscle energy, increases blood flow to your muscles, up-regulates creatine transport, and improves your body’s ability to process and use carbohydrates for hours following your workout.

4. Full-Fat Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese’s muscle-building powers come from two different components. Cottage cheese contains a high proportion of casein, the slow-digesting dairy protein. When you eat casein, your blood amino acid levels rise slowly and stay elevated for longer than if you would have eaten whey (the other dairy protein). Cottage cheese also contains live cultures—also known as good bacteria—that will help you break down and absorb all the nutrients you need to get bigger and stronger.

5. Chickpeas
Chickpeas should be your anytime carb source of choice. If you are having trouble getting big and staying lean, replace some of the rice and grain in your diet with chickpeas. This versatile bean contains 45 grams of slow-acting carbs per cup along with 12 grams of fiber.

6. Lean Beef
For decades, beef has remained at the top of the list of best muscle-building foods—and for good reason! Beef contains a muscle-building combination of protein like essential amino acids, B-vitamins, and creatine Opens a New Window. . Beef also contains a mixture of saturated fat, which can support healthy testosterone levels, and monounsaturated fat, for heart heath. As an added benefit, people who eat more red meat report feeling lower levels of anxiety and stress, according to research from the University of Melbourne.

7. Rotisserie Chicken
Rotisserie chicken should be your emergency muscle food. Available at almost all supermarkets, rotisserie chickens provide you with readily available ready-to-eat high quality protein in a delicious package. Have one or two breasts, or mix and match light and dark meat—whichever fits your diet.

Hope you like it :-).
If you have more ideas comment below.

What can I drink during weight loss?

Green tea
It is a drink that is recommended in diets to lose weight, because it helps among other things to reduce appetite, in addition to containing many antioxidants that help us lose weight. You can drink up to 3 cups of green tea a day, but it is .important not to add sugar. It is better to resort to honey or stevi
Lemon water
One of the best home remedies to lose weight is water with squeezed lemon juice. Every day on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water and the juice squeezed out of a lemon. Not only will it help you lose weight but you will find yourself much better physically since this drink is very alkaline. By the way, it also helps you cleanse the body of toxins.
Vegetable juices
All vegetable juices are depurative and alkaline, which means they help you lose weight. Foods such as celery, carrots, parsley, beetroot, peppers, artichokes, chard, spinach, tomatoes or cucumbers among many others are perfect for inclusion in juices or diet shakes. The best hours to consume these juices are when we have an empty stomach, that is, between hours and of course fasting.

Coconut water
This homemade drink is as simple to prepare as opening a coconut and drinking its water. It can be done on an empty stomach and helps speed up the metabolism and also hydrates more than other drinks.
The Red Tea Detox is a brand-new cleansing program that detoxifies the body and sheds pounds quickly and safely. It allows almost anyone to lose 14lbs in just a matter of weeks. Based on more than a decade of research spanning over 500 medical studies as well as almost three years of real-world testing, this program has the results – and the science – to back it up. Liz Swann Miller, creator of The Red Tea Detox, is a six-time best-selling author with over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath (ND). She discovered the unique recipe for this energizing tea, the foundation of the program, during her travels deep into the heart of Africa. And best of all, the ingredients are so common they can be found in virtually any store. Reproduced here for the first time in the Western world, The Red Tea Detox passes on the recipe for this incredible tea in the form of a fully digital product, making it available to customers instantaneously. This comprehensive book is broken down into three different sections: Diet: This portion of The Red Tea Detox outlines the importance of detoxifying the body before weight loss efforts, why toxins can hold your metabolism back, and the overall benefits of a red tea-cleansed system for both the body and mind. What’s more, it outlines in detail which energy-rich foods can help you burn fat faster than ever before.

Most Advanced One with Best Property for Sale in Greece

Greece is an extraordinary location to go to and is one of the predominant vacationer destinations, that are popular for its enchanting scenic beauty and impressive architect. It is the foremost country of Europe and the most advanced one with best property for sale in Greece. The Real Estate in Greece is taking new heights. The people in Greece have cultivated an exclusive and high class style of living which attracts more people to settle in there. This is the main reason you will find the investment in Apartments in Greece has increased to great extent. The life style and the living standards compels people to invest in different properties in Greece. There is an increase in demand for the properties thus doubling the sale in past few years. Despite the increase in expenses people prefer to invest here and have a good life here maintain their living standards.
Greek has very liberal overseas policies that has made it easy for the foreign investors to invest in properties in Greece. There are many places where they have property for sale in Cyprus too. For those interested can take a small vacation there and invest in their desired homes and villas. People from across the globe wait for the property for sale in Greece so that they can invest and buy a property for their vacations. There are some real good and exotic villas for sale in Greece that you can use for your vacations or even destination weddings. You can do a lot with a single property there. There are people who are looking for a quiet and serene lifestyle, for them checking the best Homes for Sale inGreece will be a better option. It is a quiet and calm place that helps calm your nerves when you most want it.
There are various benefits of investing in the properties in Greece such as:
Healthy Atmosphere: Across the globe Greece stand out when it comes to pollution as it has very less pollution giving you healthy and peaceful lifestyle. It gives you the best experience of nature that you have seen anywhere else.

Low Living Costs: It is very easy to buy nutritious, healthy and tasty food at affordable prices in Greece. Hence it decreases your cost of living compared to other European and North American Towns. Hence investing in Greek Property for sale would be a better decision.
Rate of Employment is high: You can easily find a job if you plan to move to Greece. With the help of various Talent Hunt companies and Greek Manpower Organization finding a job will never be a problem.
Heart-Warming & Friendly Residents: The residents of Greece are very friendly. So you can always find it easy to communicate with them and also build relations. They are helpful, so if you think you are doing a mistake by buying the property for sale in Cyprus then you need not worry. You will get well with the people and will be able to live a peaceful and happy life there.
High Security: Crime rate in Greece is very low, be it burglary, murder or anything else, its very-very low. Hence it becomes a safe place to live in with your family too. A good place to life after your retirement.
If there is a house for sale in Greece then you must go for it. If you don’t want to live now, it can be the perfect place for your vacations and life after retirement. Though it is always advisable to do to a thorough for all the Greek Property for sale and see the benefits before you invest in it.

How To Sell Yourself?

Selling is a master skill in the world.
First time you sell yourself when you cry for milk to your mom.
Selling is always situational. And it is modified as per the need of others. It is very easy to speak on but much difficult to apply.
It requires practice and only practice.
It requires brain and learning.
I would mention couple of examples how you sell at different situations.
* Talking in other's term
* Putting yourself in other's shoes
* Smile
* And Knowing people (otherwise you will fail many times)
* Appreciate genuinely
+In interview you don't just blabber. You connect to the company's need.
+ To woo a woman you praise her and LISTEN to her.
+ To get a deal you connect to people (gatekeeper, user, influencer,
decision maker)
+ All the big and great people are Great Salesmen.
Selling is never an overnight learning. You need to sweat it out like many others. Everyone is not born with this talent, but we can surely learn it.
Selling is a matter of faith. If you have faith in yourself and your product, your conviction will show. People can read through smooth talkers, so the more honest and forthright you are, the better you come across to the person sitting opposite.
You are not a commodity. The world might have become very materialistic but still old world qualities like simplicity, punctuality, etiquette are upheld in the world of marketing and everywhere else likewise.
Every person likes the sound of his/her voice. People do like to talk and make their views heard. Look at Quora, everyone wants to say what they think of what. Same rule applies in the real world. Selling is all about listening and blending in, nodding, agreeing, hearing, smiling and the works. Nobody cares what and who you are. From experience I can say, sellers are the best listeners too.
Be assertive not aggressive. Assertiveness is all about sharing your point of view, aggression is about telling the other person to agree with you. Loud expressions, waving of hands, putting up a show for others puts people off.
You are what you are. Originality is a rare commodity. Be what you are. If are a loud person by nature, so be it. Loudness can also come with sensitivity and empathy.
Always remember:
Know yourself. Have a brutally honest review of your strengths and weaknesses. See if there are opportunities for growth, to better align yourself with the skill sets required for your career path. Take stock of all of your varied experiences throughout your life and see if any relate to one another in unique ways. Understand how you see the world and how you prefer to work.
Know you audience. Recognize the type of groups, people, organizations, and individuals that you may be selling your self to at any given time. Each of these entities will require a different approach. Use the right tools, presentation mediums, and communication techniques required for each entity. Simple complexity is a good goal, as is knowing the scale, degree.

And last but not least There Is No Short Cut To Sell Yourself.
Want the book "How to sell yourself"

Does the fat Decimator program help to lose weight?

Fat Decimator System is a revolutionary weight loss program that’s entirely backed by science. It’s not about taking some weird voodoo potions or shakes at certain times during the day, trying some weird contraptions or worse, popping “diet” pills. Instead, it’s all about eating right and doing the right workouts, which has always been the only way to lose weight and shred your body. Why many of us forget this is beyond me. I guess when you have all these awesome, get-fit-quick schemes all over the place, it’s easy to be fooled into thinking that losing weight doesn’t require time and dedication, and that you just need to chant a mantra 5-times a day. But don’t be mistaken, losing weight does take time and dedication – time and dedication to eat the right things and to exercise regularly. It’s science!
About the Fat Decimator System
First things first, the Fat Decimator System is a foolproof weight loss system that focuses on a science-based diet that allows you to lose 1 pound of belly fat every 72 hours. I know, I know – you’ve heard it all before. However, you likely heard something similar attached to a weight loss program that isn’t backed by science; that doesn’t offer a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and that has nothing to do with diet and exercise.
The truth is – weight loss has remained the same for centuries. You have to eat the right foods and do the right exercises. It’s science. The only thing that has changed over the years is the fitness and health industries level of knowledge due to more resources and studies, which has led to more specific diet and exercise regimes that provide even better results. And that is what this program is.
Yes, it’s the same as what you may have tried before in the sense that it’s a weight loss system that focuses on a science-based diet but it’s different in the sense that it’s infused with the latest research and scientific evidence. This has allowed the creator of the program to take typical diet and exercise programs and sculpt them into a precise regime that includes only the stuff that works. Pardon the pun.
In other words, the Fat Decimator System has the stuff you already know, only refined down to the stuff that actually provides results – and what is that you ask?
No more excessive cardio as it speeds up the aging process and that is ineffective to fat loss No more avoiding salty foods because a lack of salty foods lowers your stomachs PH level which makes it difficult to lose weight No more “healthy foods” that aren’t healthy at all No more of the certain vegetables that have been linked to creating a thyroid imbalance
What the world believes is the right, effective way to lose weight and keep it off has been wrong all this time. This program changes that by providing you with all the information, scientific evidence, tips, tools and steps to take to actually lose weight.
And yes, as mentioned earlier, it does come with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. And if that doesn’t give you the confidence you’re looking for, I don’t know what will! Well, the Fat Decimator System will, once you finally lose the stubborn fat you’ve been battling for years now.
The best part? The entire program is online, which means you can get started right away. You just bookmark the website in your browser or download the content onto your laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone and get started. You also receive a long list of bonus programs at no extra charge to you, which is always a nice feature. Who doesn’t love free stuff?
More importantly, you receive the information you need to see results; results that can start to show in as little as 72 hours. Just think, if you lose 1 pound of belly fat every 72 hours and try this program for the 60 days in which you have the money back guarantee for, your entire life can be changed in as little as two months.