What Is Better: 10,000 Steps or an Hour of Cycling?


Have you heard the recommendation to walk at least 10,000 steps every day to stay healthy? Sounds good, but what if you’d rather ride your bike? Which way of keeping healthy is more effective? Let’s take a closer look.

Walking takes up more time

Walking 10,000 steps would transport the average person about 8 km (5 mi). If we consider the average speed of walking, 5 km/h (3 mph), then it would take roughly 1 hour and 36 minutes to complete the daily amount of steps.

Cycling burns more calories

The average walking speed of 5 km/h (3 mph) makes the average person burn approximately 232 kcal per hour. So the whole distance of 8 km, or 10,000 steps, will make you burn about 371 kcal in total. Cycling at a moderate speed of 20 km/h (12 mph) burns approximately 563 kcal per hour. And the difference is even bigger when we increase the intensity. A fast walking speed of 6.5 km/h (4 mph) burns 352 kcal per hour, while a fast cycling speed of 30 km/h (19 mph) burns 844 kcal per hour.

Cycling is better for obesity prevention

Researchers from London investigated the relationship between various commuting methods and obesity risk. Data from 150,000 participants revealed that both walking and cycling showed better results than taking a car or public transport. Walking was associated with significantly reduced BMI and body fat, but to a lesser extent than cycling. The average study participant who cycled to work would weigh about 5 kg less than a similar person commuting by car.

Walking doesn’t require any equipment

These numbers don’t mean much if you don’t do the exercise in question, and walking has the upper hand here. Anyone can go for a walk under almost any circumstances. With cycling, you need a bicycle, ideally a well-maintained one; you also need a helmet and somewhere to ride.

Is cycling better?

If you love it, then yes! Cycling is more time-efficient, burns more calories, and is better at keeping you fit and slim. And the “disadvantage” of having to own and maintain a bike is probably something you enjoy anyway. But if cycling is not your thing, walking will do the job too – anything but sitting on your butt!




While some prefer a solo fitness regime, as it enables us to keep on track and stay focused, others enjoy working out with a partner. This is because it helps them to stay motivated during a workout, boosts their overall performance and they often feel they have more fun.

Read on to find out how having a buddy can help make workouts for the both of you more effective and enjoyable:


Finding your fitness partner-in-crime is an excellent excuse to engage in a bit of healthy competition. Neither of you will want to fall behind during your workout, so it can be that added boost that will help you keep going and reach new heights.


While it’s important to make sure you get a killer workout in, it’s also just as vital to have fun. Exercising by yourself can get a little lonely, so with a partner you’ll be able to share both the good and the tough times with a smile on your faces. Plus, combining training with having a bit of chat and banter makes things even more enjoyable!


Occasionally, we may shy away from trying out that new class we’ve always fancied or that area in the gym we’ve found intimidating and been nervous to approach. But with a workout partner on board, you’ll both be able to support one another, learn new things and step out of each other’s comfort zones.


If you’re thinking of going the extra mile with your weight training, a friend can help ‘spot’ you through those last couple of tough reps at the end of your set. Having someone else around when you’re lifting heavy weights also makes your workout a lot safer and keeps you both injury free.

Workout buddies will also help each other to perfect their form by pointing out the times their partner needs to straighten their back more or bend their knees that little bit extra.


Weight training with a partner is ideal. You can alternate your exercises so that your friend completes their set during your rest period and vice versa. This should eliminate any distractions in between sets like scrolling through your phone on social media, something many of us are guilty of!


It can be incredibly easy to make excuses not to visit the gym. This is especially true if you’re going on your own. You are, however, much more likely to keep going if you’ve got a workout buddy. This is because you may feel guilty about not turning up and letting them down. This could help you keep going with your regular workouts.


Sometimes, all we need is a little bit of encouragement to help us push out that last rep, run that bit faster, go the extra mile, or hang in there for another minute, all for the kudos that your workout partner’s “well done”, high-five or pat on the back brings with it. Having a workout partner can help inspire you to keep going and get even better.