What’s the quickest way to burn 100 calories indoors?

The best exercises to burn calories are almost as fast as you consume them.

Every time I study the energy value of various foods (especially tasty ones), I am amazed at the glaring imbalance between the rapid accumulation of calories and their terribly slow burning. We can eat just one tiny chocolate bar without even noticing this process, and then pay for long hours in the gym for this little pleasure. Simply sit once at the festive table, and after that you will have to register for a long time on the nearest treadmill. No, it's terribly unfair! But there is a way out of this situation.

1. Stairs and burpies
There is no better way to get a load on the whole body than interval training. Combine exercises of different intensities for maximum results in the shortest time. For example, try to climb up the stairs, make a few burpies at the top, and then go down. Repeat this for 10 minutes.
2. Climbing
You can quite successfully walk and run on flat ground, but when you try to climb up a steep wall, you will understand that this is a rather difficult task. Such a training will not only help you burn about 118 kilocalories in 10 minutes, but also show how really important your excess weight is.
3. Exercise bike
Intensive training on the simulator, which includes segments of normal intensity and sprints, will help you burn 139 calories in 10 minutes.

4. Football

You won’t spend a lot of energy just standing on the field, but an intense fight for the ball, acceleration and dribbling will deprive you of 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. It is also an excellent workout for the whole body, because it includes many different movements, not only for the legs, but also for other muscle groups.
5. Dumbbells
Simple exercises with dumbbells, performed with the maximum level of intensity, can load you in 10 minutes almost like a long workout. Various jumps, squats and swing weights with weights will help not only lose extra pounds, but also gain beautiful muscles.
6. Rope
There is no better way to accelerate your pulse without leaving your place than to jump rope. If you do this even at a moderate pace (this is when you can still talk in the process), then your body will lose about 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. Of course, many will not be able to jump so much time, so try to do it for 40 seconds, and then rest for 20 seconds. And so 10 times in a row.

7. Step

Step aerobics is still one of the best ways to burn many calories in a small amount of time - up to 107 kilocalories in 10 minutes. This is intense aerobics using any step that simulates a step. The movements performed during the training are completely natural and accessible to anyone, regardless of health status or level of training. In addition, classes in this type of physical activity do not require expensive equipment - they can easily be done at home.
8. Jumping
You generally will not need any equipment for classes according to the plyometric methodology, but with their help you can lose about 100 kilocalories in 10 minutes. Plyometric exercises use explosive, quick movements to develop muscle strength and speed. One of the main exercises of this technique is a deep jump.
9. Martial arts
You may not be a great fighter, but the increased shock work with the punching bag will take 107 kilocalories from you in just 10 minutes. Want more great results? Then put on gloves with weighting agents and you can leave in the hall up to 300 kilocalories in 22 minutes.

50 ways to be more successful at the gym

This answer is going to be a little different. I am going to make this super simple; here is a list of 50 ways to be more successful at the gym.

  1. Start Today
  2. Work out at home if you have to
  3. Drink a lot of water - at least 8 glasses a day. The more the better.
  4. Compound lifts are very useful (especially if you’re a beginner)
  5. For arm workouts, isolate biceps and triceps (don’t rely too much on compound lifts for arms)
  6. Perform squats and deadlifts at least once per week
  7. Don’t skip leg day
  8. Include at least one rest day per week
  9. Consider supplements (whey protein and pre-workouts are good)
  10. Make sure your diet is in order to be more motivated and healthy
  11. Include low-fat proteins (chicken, steak, etc.)
  12. Always have a healthy breakfast
  13. Spend the 1st hour of the day wisely
  14. Remember basic dietary advice (i.e. eat fruits and vegetables)
  15. Avoid smoking and alcohol at all costs
  16. Before you go to the gym, have a shower and ensure you feel ready to take on the day
  17. Remember, gyms are open late; don’t use the ‘I get back from work late, I can’t go’ excuse
  18. If you don’t like supplements, eat fruits before the gym (bananas are the best)
  19. If you have a high fat level that you want to reduce, use HIIT
  20. It’s always useful to know workouts before you go to the gym
  21. If you don’t know any workouts, search YouTube for them
  22. Use pairs of muscle groups during workouts (for example, back and biceps, or shoulders and tricep)
  23. Listen to music or an audiobook in the gym to stay focused
  24. Always learn new ways to improve
  25. Free-weights are better than machines
  26. Machines do give good guidance on how the movement should be carried out which you can then use for free weights
  27. Consider using cables for different exercises
  28. Try to change-up your exercises/ workouts to avoid getting bored
  29. If you do get bored of the gym, try going at a different time than usual (for example if you go before work, go after work instead)
  30. Having good form is more important than weight
  31. Once you have the perfect form, you can increase the weight
  32. If the weight is too high to perform the rep effectively, reduce the weight
  33. Using a low weight isn't embarrassing; experienced gym-goers will find it cringy if you are using a high weight, but performing the rep terribly
  34. To perform a good rep, squeeze the muscle at the top and stretch it at the bottom
  35. For the best outcome, start your workout with high weight and low rep, then for the second half use less weight and more reps (this is best for hypertrophy)
  36. Know your exact goal and don’t change it until you achieve it. (i.e. if your goal is to be more shredded for summer, don’t then start eating loads and say ‘I can’t be bothered, I just won’t be shredded’)
  37. Whatever your goal is (i.e. to get stronger), learn the best way to do it
  38. Follow some fitness accounts on Instagram so you can learn more whilst you’re aimlessly scrolling
  39. Follow a website/ blog that teaches you about high protein meals to cook; there are loads for free online!
  40. Fall in love with the process instead of the outcome
  41. Be as consistent as possible
  42. Small changes lead to a big change
  43. Never make poor excuses
  44. Plan your week/ month
  45. Keep a gym diary to keep a track of your exercise plan
  46. If you want, take it into the gym to remember all the workouts and read any important notes (i.e. “keep back straight when performing deadlift”)
  47. Keep a track of your weight so you can see the results
  48. Take a picture at the start of your gym life to see what has changed after a while
  49. Take exercises to failure, or one rep off failure
  50. If you need any supplements or home-gym equipment, Click Here for a ready-made list from Amazon, containing the best products available.

Thank you for reading, I hope this helps. If you would like to contribute, feel free to comment any further points :)

Kobe Bryant dies at 41

Kobe Bryant had everything. Pretty Woman. Four girls. The last of them was born just 7 months ago. For 20 years he played for him in the best league in the world. Years translated into 500 million, half a billion. One of the richest athletes of all. With houses, cars, planes and sea boats.

At 18 he entered the league, at 38 he left it, at 41 he died. And for just three years, he could only enjoy everything he really earned. He devoted his entire life to the game, when he was a kid he rolled socks and threw in no-frills shots at all, the socks were the ball and the tin was the basket. He was a huge workaholic, the hard work flowed through his blood, and of all Kobe was the first to go to training and the last to go from there too. In every workout, he would throw thousands of stray shots along the way in the dark just to always know where the basket was about.

And he threw, threw and threw until he became a legend in the yellow team town. Gianna ("Gigi"), his 13-year-old daughter, went with him to every single yellow team game, they sat together in the front row, Gigi was an actress herself and Kobe would whisper in her ear The secrets of the game and she listened. Whenever the big screen in the courtroom presented her father, she heard every man in the world admire the omnipotent man sitting next to her, her father, Gigi also admired him, as an actor, as a father, but mostly admired him as a human being.

Kobe Bryant couldn't be hated because he couldn't be loved. And in case you were looking for more proof of how life is a gift, I'm the happiest in the world to tell you that you found it up close because beloved Kobe Bryant died, the man I thought would live forever and probably forever for him is 41 years old. He didn't even get to say goodbye to his partner for life or his 7-month-old home, how much he would like and it just shows us that we have to live our every day in the world as if it is the last day of all. Don't just live once, it's a lie, just die once and live life every day again, it's order and it's okay to ask forgiveness, say "I love you" or thank you, so please live without fear. Because it is impossible to know when we will take our last breaths and when that happens, you do not want there to be living souls that die, just because of the doubts we have been left behind.


Why do you work out?

I’m not only going to tell you why I work out. I’m going to tell you why a lot of gym rats work out. This is a secret that most of them don’t want to tell you. But I’m about to spill the beans.
Anytime you do something for that long it becomes a habit. I go to the gym the same way most people brush their teeth.
You wake up, and you do it. You don’t think about it. You just do it.
This is also why I don’t look down on people who can’t seem to stick to the gym. I get it. It’s hard. Doing something as difficult as working out multiple times per week is tough for anybody.
That’s why I try to get people in the habit of going to the gym as quickly as possible.
Here are some tips I came up with to help with habit creation:
  1. Get your workout clothes ready and sit them at the door before you go to sleep at night. This is for those who train in the morning. This way you’ll be forced to get out of bed to go to the door and get your clothes on. Put on your clothes and keep going right out the door.
  2. Set very specific short term goals. Being specific will allow you to narrow your focus and ignore all the noise. Short term goals will light a fire under your butt while long term goals make procrastination easy. If you have a goal of bench pressing 225 lbs. 6 months from now it becomes easy to say, “I don’t NEED to go. I can miss a day and still hit my goal.”
  3. Don’t do too much too quickly. Too many people take an all or nothing mentality to fitness. Starting with a 6 day/week training schedule leaves you nowhere to build to and will burn you out more quickly. Start off small and build from there.
  4. Have some fun. The best way to keep yourself going to the gym is to actually enjoy yourself while you’re there. This will take some experimentation on your part, but you have to find a particular niche that you have fun with. Whatever you find enjoyment in, use it to push yourself into that weight room every day.

Can I lose belly fat without strength training?

No, I can tell you exactly.
People who start to gain weight all start with belly fat. The belly is the easiest to accumulate fat, so it is also the most difficult part.
Although waist training (such as rolling belly) can train abdominal muscles, it has no direct effect on reducing visceral fat. Pure strength training can help reduce subcutaneous fat, but has no obvious effect on visceral fat.
If you really want to lose belly fat and get rid of your belly, you need to do these things:
1.Aerobic exercise

In the process of fitness, we must understand that we are losing fat instead of losing weight. We need to consume excess fat through effective methods. There are many types of aerobic exercises, elliptical machines for cycling, etc. If you want to lose waist and abdomen fat, it is very important to persist in the process of aerobic fat reduction, at least 40 minutes.
2. Do more strength training

Strength training is mainly to increase muscle mass to improve the body's basic metabolism. Reducing abdominal fat does not require all the energy to focus on waist and abdomen training. Fat is systemic, not where it is thin.
Fat reduction must be performed all over the body at the same time. There is no such thing as local exercise to reduce local fat. In addition, for stubborn fat in the abdomen, it is necessary to carry out a systematic weight loss exercise. After you have experienced systemic weight loss exercise, you will slowly lose your "belly" and your abdominal muscles and vest lines will slowly Revealed.
Can arrange lumbar and abdominal training 1-2 times a week
More muscle groups can be arranged for the legs, chest, shoulders, etc.
3. Appropriate attention to diet and reasonable intake of nutrition.

Healthy eating: including increasing protein and fiber content, and controlling meals, all of which have been shown to help reduce body fat.
Protein intake is about 25-30% of your daily calories and may increase your metabolism by up to 100 calories per day.

Increasing fiber intake is another good strategy for weight loss. Vegetables rich in soluble fiber help to lose weight, it increases satiety and reduces calorie intake.
Must remembereat less carbohydrate foods, do not eat any snacks, do not drink drinks, beer.
If you have any other questions about losing weight, please leave your comment.
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7 simple ways to lose a little weight

How to reduce tummy fatHere I want to share some tips to help gus. My secret is just 7 steps !

1.Eat less for dinner
Eating too much dinner is not easy to digest, which causes fat to accumulate in the abdomen, and it will naturally grow into a small belly for a long time. Eat as little dinner as possible every day, and eat lightly. If you are not very hungry, just eat 30-50% full. Two hours after a meal may wish to have some yogurt to help digestion. Eat less for dinner is definitely the first premise to help you get rid of your belly!

2. Standing against the wall after meals
Half an hour after dinner, let the entire body face back against the wall, clamp the buttocks, so that the hips, legs, waist, head, neck, etc. are as close as possible to the wall. At first, you can clamp the paper. Whichever falls. After a few minutes, you will be very tired and your muscles will become sour, but you must stick to it. After 15 minutes you will be free! This method can not only thin waist and belly, but also thin neck and face! Do it at least once a day, and you will see results in a week!

3. Keep your stomach muscles in when walking
When you walk and stand normally, you can shrink your abdomen and cooperate with abdominal breathing to make your abdomen firm. This method is invisible.
This helps stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promotes the excretion of waste from the body, and enhances lung capacity. I'm not used to it at first, but just remind myself at any time that "shrink my abdomen can lose weight". After a few weeks, not only will the abdomen become more and more flat, but also the walking posture is more charming!

4. Pick up beans
Bending over the waist can help to thin the abdomen, but bending over the waist looks silly and tasteless, it is more difficult to adhere to, I suggest to pick up the beans!
Pour about 200 soya beans on the ground every day, then bend down (you can't bend your legs !!) Pick up the soya beans one by one and place them in the basin on the table.
Bend down and pick up the beans. Straighten the beans on the waist plate and bend down until you finish picking up the beans. This is equivalent to doing 200 bends and lowering the waist. If you stick to it for a month or two, you can lose your belly, and your hips and legs will have unexpected gains. !!

5.Standing twisted
This can be practiced at noon or at night. If you're watching TV, while you're watching ads, get up and stand, lift your chest and abdomen, then twist your waist left and right(Similar to the twisting movement of belly dance, it is necessary to use the waist to force, not the strength of the legs or back.) Persist 100 times every day to ensure that you can get rid of your small belly!

Massage is the most commonly used method of thinning the abdomen. Using rubbing to promote blood circulation and promote gastrointestinal motility, thereby reducing intestinal absorption of nutrients, allowing metabolic waste to escape from the body, can also help improve constipation!
7.Coarse salt massage
Coarse salt has a sweating effect, which can help discharge waste and excess water from the body. When taking a bath, add some hot salt to a paste to make a paste, then apply it on the abdomen for massage. Wait until the coarse salt particles have completely melted and then rinse off. Then you can start taking a bath. But don't use too much force during the massage to avoid roughening the skin. If your skin is more sensitive, a lighter bath salt will be more comfortable.

The Best Ways to Lose Half Your Body Weight

Hello, my friend! I totally relate when I saw that kind of question you asked. Because there’s a ton of ways of losing weight: some are hard, some are easy. There’re people who are comfortable with physical exercises ( though this is hard to stay motivated and focused) and there are those who are comfortable with dieting, fasting etc. etc. I’m going to suggest this to you, and I Know that if you take action; results are unavoidable!
Let’s dive in together then…
I guess you know that defining a body type by using a piece of fruit is an outdated stenography, right? This is obvious because it doesn't tell us much but only reminds us what our flaws are. Isn’t it? Here are some Medicine unit pored through some research that will even let you know more than ever (I believe) about why your fat deposits are where they are!
Question: Which body type are you? The reason why you need to know this is because it’s going to help you maximize your Weight loss results...
Let’s assume that you have a mirror right in front of you. Where’s the largest concentration of your body fat?
1. If you carry weight around your midsection between your chest and hip bone you may be the stress type.
2. If you see a pinchable fat on the side also called “love handles”, you might be the sugar type.
3. Fat around your hips butt and thighs? You may be an estrogen type.
4. Now raise your arms! Do you see some excess skin under there? If yes, you could be the T-type.

Hopefully, you know your body type by now (please, note that it may be a combination of more than one).
My next question is: Now that you’re aware of your body type, what are you going to eat to maximize your results?
It becomes easier...
A. Stress type: If you are of this type, you may feel a little stressed out, always snacking, you strike at different times of the day or, sometimes right before you go to bed, you’re snacking, munching on something and, at the end of the day; pounds go on and land right there, actually deep under the muscle.
The reason you get this kind of weight is because of the stress that makes you eat things you shouldn't but also, very specifically makes you put quarters.
The cortisol [an adrenal-cortex hormone (trade names Hydrocortone or Cortef) that is active in carbohydrate and protein metabolism] alerts your body about a situation (a bad one: famine for example) that may happen or that things aren't good so, store all the calories and put them around my intestines around my liver to get myself protected. Yes, your body's trying to help but it's doing the wrong thing for you for it creates this stress type collection of fat which tends to be sort of dangerous with issues like heart disease; things you wouldn’t want.
The good news is that you don’t have to fear at all because there’s a bunch of solution (there is always a solution by the way). I'm going to suggest a good solution if you are of this type which is pretty much easy and simple.
You're going to try if you can to eat carbohydrates (Eat your complex carbs warm) but; make sure it’s the right kind. Okay?
Because they're going to sue you and you need that warm for the carbs, as we all know that they make more that "feel-good" hormone serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) but the warmth also soothes you, it helps to stress you.
What are you going to do? Just do the regular things that are good for your body but add to it something to address with your main problem which is “the stress”. I got a little idea for you; your breakfast’s going to be morning smoothies: some yogurt, almond butter, some flax seeds squashed, banana then, add some oatmeal.

Meals are a complex carbohydrate which won’t rush into your bloodstream, not going to panic your body but it's just soothing.
The next step is simply to microwave it for a minute and; there you go… You got your morning smoothie. It's an antidote to the stress type weight gain and hopefully, you will enjoy It.
Finally, relax, don't penalize yourself and deal with the stress with a little bit of nudge with the right foods and all of a sudden you can make yourself look the way you want to look.
B. What about the sugar type people or those who hold the fat around their middle?
They have a little bit of those love handles and they love sugar (It’s not a surprise).
Now, the problem with sugar is insulin. If not because of this hormone, it wouldn't be a big deal. But when you have a lot of sugar, the insulin has to deal with it and when you make more of it, guess what it does? It says: “store the sugar as fat” and it does very meticulously: It goes to certain parts of your body and in many cases, it'll become those love handles.
so, to deal with it you have to use sugary lowering techniques. I got a suggestion for you:
Get a pancake! If you like sugar, this will taste wonderfully wonderful…
What are you going to use then? Just mashed banana with only two eggs and put a little cinnamon on there. Remember: there's no flour in that! I hope it’s not hard to believe…eggs+ banana= pancake? Ooh Yes! The good thing with this is that there’s no insulin. You just replaced the taste so; you don’t need sugar.

Also, garlic and oregano and sage are herbs that take you in a different direction than sugar so you won't feel compelled to put sugar in your body.
Got it? I hope you did! some other day off diet ideas and you'll surely see the fat coming off especially the love handle area. That’s it!
C. The estrogen type.
These are people who store their fat around their hips and their thighs. People, when the childbearing years are progressing, will often not only have a lot of estrogens but also strong PMS symptoms as well and maybe, they get tired and they may want to overeat.
If you want to deal with the estrogen you have to deal with the “foods reading” because they can help block the estrogen, however, add the cruciferous vegetables and they very specifically seem to help you deal with estrogen levels. So, find the Brussel sprouts, the broccoli, the cabbage, cauliflower, daikon, kale and make them part of what you're eating.

D. Finally, the T-type are those who have trouble building muscles and they, therefore, have a little excess flab and skin on their arms.
T stands for testosterone. We want to build muscles but the question is how do you have it happen? A big problem for a lot of people (for some reasons) is they don't have enough vitamin D and that impacts their testosterone levels. So, I want you to include foods, include a tool to get you more vitamin D.
I want you for lunch or dinner, a couple of times a week, to include a protein that has vitamin D.
Classically, those are cold-water fish, salmon sardines.
 ways of losing weight: some are hard, some are easy. There’re people who are comfortable with physical exercises ( though this is hard to stay motivated and focused) and there are those who are comfortable with dieting, fasting etc. etc. I’m going to suggest this to you, and I Know that if you take action; results are unavoidable!
Let’s dive in together then…
I guess you know that defining a body type by using a piece of fruit is an outdated stenography, right? This is obvious because it doesn't tell us much but only reminds us what our flaws are. Isn’t it? Here are some Medicine unit pored through some research that will even let you know more than ever (I believe) about why your fat deposits are where they are!
Question: Which body type are you? The reason why you need to know this is because it’s going to help you maximize your Weight loss results...
Let’s assume that you have a mirror right in front of you. Where’s the largest concentration of your body fat?
1. If you carry weight around your midsection between your chest and hip bone you may be the stress type.
2. If you see a pinchable fat on the side also called “love handles”, you might be the sugar type.
3. Fat around your hips butt and thighs? You may be an estrogen type.
4. Now raise your arms! Do you see some excess skin under there? If yes, you could be the T-type.
Hopefully, you know your body type by now (please, note that it may be a combination of more than one).
My next question is: Now that you’re aware of your body type, what are you going to eat to maximize your results?
It becomes easier...
A. Stress type: If you are of this type, you may feel a little stressed out, always snacking, you strike at different times of the day or, sometimes right before you go to bed, you’re snacking, munching on something and, at the end of the day; pounds go on and land right there, actually deep under the muscle.
The reason you get this kind of weight is because of the stress that makes you eat things you shouldn't but also, very specifically makes you put quarters.
The cortisol [an adrenal-cortex hormone (trade names Hydrocortone or Cortef) that is active in carbohydrate and protein metabolism] alerts your body about a situation (a bad one: famine for example) that may happen or that things aren't good so, store all the calories and put them around my intestines around my liver to get myself protected. Yes, your body's trying to help but it's doing the wrong thing for you for it creates this stress type collection of fat which tends to be sort of dangerous with issues like heart disease; things you wouldn’t want.
The good news is that you don’t have to fear at all because there’s a bunch of solution (there is always a solution by the way). I'm going to suggest a good solution if you are of this type which is pretty much easy and simple.
You're going to try if you can to eat carbohydrates (Eat your complex carbs warm) but; make sure it’s the right kind. Okay?
Because they're going to sue you and you need that warm for the carbs, as we all know that they make more that "feel-good" hormone serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) but the warmth also soothes you, it helps to stress you.
What are you going to do? Just do the regular things that are good for your body but add to it something to address with your main problem which is “the stress”. I got a little idea for you; your breakfast’s going to be morning smoothies: some yogurt, almond butter, some flax seeds squashed, banana then, add some oatmeal.
Meals are a complex carbohydrate which won’t rush into your bloodstream, not going to panic your body but it's just soothing.
The next step is simply to microwave it for a minute and; there you go… You got your morning smoothie. It's an antidote to the stress type weight gain and hopefully, you will enjoy It.
Finally, relax, don't penalize yourself and deal with the stress with a little bit of nudge with the right foods and all of a sudden you can make yourself look the way you want to look.
B. What about the sugar type people or those who hold the fat around their middle?
They have a little bit of those love handles and they love sugar (It’s not a surprise).
Now, the problem with sugar is insulin. If not because of this hormone, it wouldn't be a big deal. But when you have a lot of sugar, the insulin has to deal with it and when you make more of it, guess what it does? It says: “store the sugar as fat” and it does very meticulously: It goes to certain parts of your body and in many cases, it'll become those love handles.
so, to deal with it you have to use sugary lowering techniques. I got a suggestion for you:
Get a pancake! If you like sugar, this will taste wonderfully wonderful…
What are you going to use then? Just mashed banana with only two eggs and put a little cinnamon on there. Remember: there's no flour in that! I hope it’s not hard to believe…eggs+ banana= pancake? Ooh Yes! The good thing with this is that there’s no insulin. You just replaced the taste so; you don’t need sugar.
Also, garlic and oregano and sage are herbs that take you in a different direction than sugar so you won't feel compelled to put sugar in your body.
Got it? I hope you did! some other day off diet ideas and you'll surely see the fat coming off especially the love handle area. That’s it!
C. The estrogen type.
These are people who store their fat around their hips and their thighs. People, when the childbearing years are progressing, will often not only have a lot of estrogens but also strong PMS symptoms as well and maybe, they get tired and they may want to overeat.
If you want to deal with the estrogen you have to deal with the “foods reading” because they can help block the estrogen, however, add the cruciferous vegetables and they very specifically seem to help you deal with estrogen levels. So, find the Brussel sprouts, the broccoli, the cabbage, cauliflower, daikon, kale and make them part of what you're eating.
D. Finally, the T-type are those who have trouble building muscles and they, therefore, have a little excess flab and skin on their arms.
T stands for testosterone. We want to build muscles but the question is how do you have it happen? A big problem for a lot of people (for some reasons) is they don't have enough vitamin D and that impacts their testosterone levels. So, I want you to include foods, include a tool to get you more vitamin D.
I want you for lunch or dinner, a couple of times a week, to include a protein that has vitamin D.
Classically, those are cold-water fish, salmon sardines.
Just make sure that in one way or the other get your vitamin D levels in there. Got it?
Thank You for reading and I hope you'll take steps right after. 
Make sure you share with others who may need to read this content and be sure to follow me for more consistent answers like this and; check back often to see what's new.
I hope this helped!
Remember this: Do It and trust that It will work for you.