The secret to long-term weight loss

The secret to long-term weight loss is doing the same healthy things over and over again.

Have you noticed that some people who have a personal trainer and consistently workout do not look any look different?

That’s because it’s what we do between exercise that really makes the difference. That being said 70% of weight loss comes from changes in diet.

There are three "ingredients" to weight loss.

1. Eating right (or Diet)
2. Exercising
3. Consistency

The third ingredient: Consistency is easily the most important, and the most difficult to accomplish. It takes accountability and a measured pace.

There’s a huge difference between knowing what to do, and actually doing it.

The right diet will can help anyone lose weight for a few weeks. The problem with most diets is that they a) become boring b) are seen as temporary c) don’t actually change your habits and behaviors. We view a diet as something we will do until we reach our goal—and then quit, and go back to “old ways”. Most people never stick to their diets.

Instead of talking about your "diet", start talking about it as a way of life. The best “diets” are the ones you can truly stick with. It has to be a way of life, otherwise, you’re going to revert back to your old ways, and regain the weight.

Ultimately, the key to this is changing your relationship with food. If the only thing we’re changing is the food we’re eating from one “diet” to the next, we’re not going to change for the long term. If you have trouble sticking to a diet and/or exercise plan, it may because of an unknown fear related to losing weight—people are often as afraid of success as they are of failure.

One of the biggest problems with exercise is "binging and purging." (Note: This has nothing to do with food, bulimia, or anorexia.) As an example, "John" will decide he needs to lose 15 pounds before his wedding. He buys a gym membership and starts working out every day for 2 hours (binging).

By the end of the first week, he is completely exhausted. He decides to take a day off to recuperate and that day turns into a week (purging). When John feels sufficiently guilty, he will goes back to the gym and repeats the process. Again, like your diet, it has to be sustainable. But keep in mind: no one gains weight from not exercising. People gain weight from overeating.

Why do so many people struggle with their weight?

People aren’t staying consistent with their diet and/or exercise.

It’s all about consistency. It's easy to start a diet, but it’s very hard to stick with it. Same for exercise.

The real key to losing weight is not a magic diet, pill or exercise contraption. Rather, the key is finding ways to be consistent with diet and exercise. 

Remember, there's a huge difference between knowing what to do, and actually doing it.

What are the benefits of keto diet?

Over the past several years, I have performed in-depth research on different diets that are popular for their claimed health-boosting and weight-loss benefits. The keto diet is among them.

To give you a quick overview, the keto diet is short for the ketogenic diet. In general, the keto diet is composed of 75% good fats, 20% protein, and 5% carbs. There are a few variations of the keto diet (like high-protein keto diet), but this is generally the standard macronutrient ratio needed in order to achieve ketosis.

Ketosis is the key to the keto diet. Ketosis is a normal metabolic process characterized by increased ketone production. Ketones are a form of energy that is alternative to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates break down into glucose, which are easy for the body to use, but can also be problematic when over-consumed, like they are in the Standard American Diet (SAD).

To understand if the keto diet is considered healthy, first, let’s take a step back to understand ketosis - since misunderstandings are often the root of the criticism of the keto diet.
This is what I have found in my research about the potential health benefits of the keto diet with links to relevant research:
  1. Promotes weight loss: While a low-fat diet is often recommended for weight loss, but research shows that a high fat, moderate protein, and low-carbohydrate diet is much more effective at promoting weight loss, thanks to the beauty of ketone bodies.
  2. Lowers risk factors for disease: These risk factors include high blood sugar and insulin levelshigh cholesterol, and high triglycerides, among others.
  3. Protects from muscle loss: a very low carbohydrate diet with adequate amounts of protein are likely protective against the loss of muscle mass.
  4. Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes: Excess fat is linked to metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes, and weight loss spurred by the keto diet can help to lower risk factors..
  5. Helps to control type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders: If you have diabetes, you may be turning to the ketogenic diet as a way to control your insulin and glucose levels. Early research shows that the ketogenic diet can help you significantly improve insulin sensitivity levels. One study even shows that some diabetes patients were able to stop taking their diabetes medication altogether while on the keto diet.
  6. May help slow tumor growth for certain types of cancer: Early research shows that a calorically-restricted ketogenic diet is an effective alternative therapy for malignant brain cancer). Since high levels of circulating glucose in the blood are needed for tumor growth, the glucose-reducing effects of the keto diet help to slow tumor growth.
  7. Improves symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease: The ketogenic diet may help to reduce the symptoms and slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  8. Helps treat factors causing polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS): POS is the most common cause of infertility among women. One of the aggravating factors of POS is high levels of insulin. The ketogenic diet can help reduce insulin and glucose levels in the blood as a dietary therapy for POS.
  9. Boosts recover from brain diseases: Initial animal studies show that the keto diet may boost the recovery of young people who have experienced traumatic brain injuries).
  10. Reduces the severity of acne: One of the factors that can increase your risk of acne is high insulin levels in the blood. Since the ketogenic diet doesn’t allow you to eat sugar or processed foods, which up insulin levels, it may help to improve the appearance of acne.

For most people, the ketogenic diet could offer significant health benefits.
The two main worries of health and nutrition specialists are the following:
  1. People follow the keto diet without consulting a specialist first
  2. The keto diet has not been around long enough to understand its long-term effects

There are logical responses to both of these concerns and they are directly connected. Research, even if it is relatively new, is on the side of the ketogenic diet. But it is true that an unbalanced keto diet (or any unbalanced diet, for that matter) could have detrimental effects.

For that reason, it is important to:
  1. Get a general medical check-up to make sure you are in good health to follow a restrictive diet.
  2. Consult with a registered dietician who is a specialist in the ketogenic diet to guide you on how to build a well-balanced ketogenic diet that fills all of your nutrient needs.
Once you check these off of your list, you will very likely be able to reap the benefits of the ketogenic diet for your health.

What are the best ways to lose weight?

  1. Give up sugar. 
  2. Easy on foods that turn to sugar (breads, pastas, pizza, fried potatoes).
  3. Start your day with warm to hot water with lemon. Helps get liver, gallbladder and digestive system releasing.
  4. Drink at least half your weight in ounces of water/day (best between meals).
  5. Chew food to a liquid. Will help you be satisfied with less, and help your body digest, absorb and eliminate faster.
  6. Use smaller plates, helps with portion control.

  7. Consider a side of probiotics with each meal (kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, lassi, kefir) or unsweetened ginger tea. All help your body digest food.
  8. Cook from scratch, at the minimum go for premade meals that are real/few ingredients. Even Costco has pretty incredible looking family meals.
  9. Plan a weekly menu, then buy ingredients for that and those alone.
  10. Shop outer four walls of grocery store. That's where most of the real food is.
  11. Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Shop with your own bag or basket. NOT a shopping cart. Helps to buy no more than you can carry.
  12. Pack your own snacks AND water each and every time you will be gone, especially past mealtimes.
  13. Eat during hours that serve your body best (10-11am to 6-7pm).
  14. Know what foods are weight gainers for your blood type. For B+ corn is one. For O's it's wheat and dairy.
  15. Coffee enemas do more than help with pain and clean blood, they are INCREDIBLE for weight loss and natural healing of cancer. They are how Jack Osborne lost lots of weight, won in kickboxing AND beat his addictions. They are also what some holistic cancer clinics use. To the tune of FIVE/day. We crave what is in our blood, coffee enemas take that away. Be it food, drugs or alcohol. They are how I helped one get off three hardcore drugs. And what I use for pain.
  16. Sweat and movement. Excellent way to keep puffiness off and toxins out.
  17. Save treats for a special occasion (wedding, party, social gathering). They are not a treat if we are having daily.
  18. Treat everyday like a special occasion. Meaning, aim to look and feel your best every day instead of for an event of sorts. Many mind their “P's & Q's" to look their best for a one day event, when it should be the other way around.
  19. Ask yourself how a certain food or drink will make you look and feel. For better or worse? Helps tremendously! That and a mirror.
  20. In time consider seasonal detox. It'll help what ails you, free you of cravings and keep toxic disease producing weight out and off.
  21. Key to keeping weight off is by having at least one daily bowel movement. Like babies and pets that poop shortly after. Constipation is not a disease but WILL INDEED lead to one. Diet can make or break us, while detox is a win-win.
  22. Eat healthy most hours of day and days of week.
  23. Losing weight and keeping it off is easy with self respect alone.
  24. Lastly, do inventory of your kitchen (cupboards and fridge) at least twice a year. Warmer months and colder.
Should I remember more, I will add to this list. In the meantime, CHEERS!

How does a Ketogenic diet change your life?

Where to begin! When I first read about the diet, I thought it was absurd. How can a high fat diet help me lose weight? However, this absurd diet is the only thing that has worked for me! I’ve been overweight for a lot of my adult life and have tried many different ways to lose.

Before I go on, I want to mention that I am definitely not one of those “carbs are our enemy” and “destroy ALL THE gluten’ people but Keto is something that works for me and has changed my life for the better in many ways:

1. I have lost 30 pounds so far which is the most I have lost in years. I had previously been losing and gaining the same five pounds over and over.

2. I have tons of energy all day. I still drink coffee because I like to, but I don’t need it like I did before.

3. I drink way less alcohol and way more water. I don’t have room for the carbs on most days and that has brought my drinking down from pretty much every night to only a couple times a month.

4. My skin is better. I have a lot of skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, blepharitis, you name it. And while all of these things are chronic and may never fully go away, it is much more manageable now. My patches are smaller and I have to use far less of my prescription creams and such.

5. Part of my keto day is fasting and I have found that my mental clarity has improved. I am far more productive at work and I’m more motivated in my down time to work out or do something useful with my time. I used to be a Grade A Couch Potato and while I still enjoy hanging out on the couch, it isn’t my main source of entertainment anymore.

6. My chronic depression/anxiety, which I’ve had some form of since I was a kid, is more manageable than it’s ever been. I will say, during the keto flu, I was actually more anxious, but again I’m prone to it and it’s pretty common due to Pseudohypoglycemia which you can read more about here. It could be a combination of the things I mentioned (weight loss, better skin, etc.) but I feel happier and less anxious which has led to me finding new opportunities and meeting new people. I still have anxiety but it doesn’t stop me from doing things anymore.

7. A combination of the keto diet and a book called Brain Over Binge, helped me overcome binge eating; another terrible habit I developed as a kid. I felt like I tried everything to stop bingeing and nothing helped. I was a couple times a week binger and it led to weight gain and feelings of shame, and more bingeing. When I’m doing keto I don’t feel deprived of anything, I can eat pretty much any time, and with the aforementioned happiness and energy, I haven’t binged in months.

8. I was a junk food junkie. I love sweets and would typically binge on cake or something equally as terrible for you. Keto allows artificial sweetener (if you really need it) but thankfully I hate artificial sweetener so it has really helped me break my sweet tooth. I don’t even crave it anymore. Now I’m like I want to “cheat” and eat a strawberry!
9. My fiancé and I cook a lot more now, which means we go out to eat a lot less. We were spending hundreds of dollars a month eating out before we started doing keto full time. We would house a whole pizza and breadsticks plus dessert, or Chinese food meant for 6 people (judging by how many fortune cookies we got) and now we have fun cooking together, we eat a lot less, and we save money.
We have been brainwashed to think of fat as bad, and once I let myself off the “low-fat, low-cal, sugar-free (but packed with all kinds of other crap)” bandwagon, I was able to jump into keto and eat high quality foods and gain a lifestyle that I’m happy with.
**Disclamer* This is my experience and is anecdotal. I am not a nutritionist or a trained medical professional and all research was done on my own. As always, check with your doctor if you are diabetic or have any other health issues that could make keto dangerous. Though a lot of doctors are still on the low fat, high protein kick and think of keto as a “fad” so it’s best to do your own research as well. **

What is the quickest way to lose fat without exercise?

I lost a lot of weight doing the keto diet.

I know how hard it is when starting out, it seems like so much research to figure out what you need to eat and do.

A keto diet can be especially useful for losing excess body fat without hunger.

This diet is a lot of hard work, you have to really put in effort to get the results you want.

Find out what type of keto you are doing:

Standard ketogenic diet: This is a very low-carb, moderate-protein and high-fat diet. It typically contains 75% fat, 20% protein and only 5% carbs.

Cyclical ketogenic diet: This diet involves periods of higher-carb refeeds, such as 5 ketogenic days followed by 2 high-carb days.

Targeted ketogenic diet: This diet allows you to add carbs around workouts.

High-protein ketogenic diet: This is similar to a standard ketogenic diet, but includes more protein. The ratio is often 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbs.


I’m just saying … Keep it real, never lie to yourself

I know how hard it can be to start something like this on your own, especially if you are alone in your quest to become “fit” it’s really hard. But…

Stick to it and you will see results very soon! They don’t happen overnight but give it a few weeks and you can start to see the real result.

I started with Keto diet because it’s been used and recommended by many doctors. Especially the 28 day Keto diet which helped me lose 10lbs in the first week.

If you are interested you can find more information here: Keto Diet Challenge - Instant Weight Loss - (Amazing results)

What is the most effective tip to lose belly fat in a month?

I am not an expert, but I will show you what my belly looks like without working out at all. Most people say “ You have good genes!”, no I just know how to eat well.

  1. I never eat meals with more than two main ingredients (excluding spices). For example, some kind of meat with a salad.
  2. I never eat heavy salad dressings, only olive oil and apple cider vinegar or balsamic.
  3. I like salt, so I buy KCl, potassium chloride or what people call light salt. On the back of every packaged food, there is a table with nutrition facts. Buy stuff that have the least amount of sodium. Most companies advertise with “low fat”, or “low sugar”, but they almost never point out to the amount of sodium. Sodium makes your metabolism times slower by retaining water.
  4. I eat my meals with at least four hours in between.
  5. I never eat breakfast. In the morning, if I feel hungry, I would eat a fruit (only one kind, it can be two bananas, but not a banana and an apple).
Thidea is that every time you eat, your digestive system dissociates different food with a different acid. So, if you mix food too much, you complicate the process, even if you only eat quality meals.
6. You feel like eating chocolate, eat it, but don't eat anything else. Then your digestive system has to take care of only one thing at a time.
7. I never eat carbs ( like bread, chocolate, beans and etc…) in combination with meat. This is the worst combination!!! This is why burgers make you fat : bread with beef. If you feel like eating a burger, do it, just take the bun out.
8. Forget about ketchup. It is NOT made of tomatoes, but of corn syrup. It is terrible for you. Same for mayonnaise and mustard.
9. No soda drinks, ever. They do not do anything for you and, believe me, once you stop drinking them, you will never miss them.
10. Green tea will make your metabolism much faster, try drinking two a day, but don't load them with sugar or honey.Try getting used to drinking it tasteless, in no time you will get used to it and you will start liking it.
11. Do not load your fridge with a ton of food. My grocery store is nearby and I try to go everyday. This way, I always buy what I feel like eating and I satisfy my appetites with fresh food.
12. Forget about this one month. Prepare yourself to do it for the rest of your life! This is a way of living, not a diet. Create habits and you will not have to worry about it again.
13. Work out not because you want to lose fat, but because it is fun. Precondition yourself to believe that this is an enjoyable activity not a punishment because you are chubby. I don't really have much time to work out but I try whenever I have time. I don't do it because I have to lose weight though, it just helps me being more concentrated, which is very important for my routine.
14. I almost forgot, think in advance where you will be during the day. For example, if you are invited at a friend’s house, you probably know that they will feed you and you also are probably aware with what. Try to combine this with the rest of your meal during the day. You know your friend likes to make mashed potatoes , try eating the same thing during the day or something compatible like veggies, not a steak.

What is the best way to build big arms naturally?

Arms are probably the most sought after muscle group after six-pack Abs. Having big arms is a sign of strength and power, and they are the first muscle group that people notice on your physique.
So, developing a sleeve-busting Arms is a must to give the illusion of a muscular physique.
But, before we dive into the best exercises for Arms growth, let’s take a look at the Arms anatomy so we know how we should train them for growth.
Arms Anatomy:
The arm has two main muscle groups: the Biceps and the Triceps.
The Biceps:

The Biceps or Biceps Brachii is a two-headed muscle that origin from under the deltoid and insert below the elbow.
The basic function of the Biceps is to lift and curl the arm. Also, another function of the Biceps is to pronate the wrist.
The Biceps has two main head, the short head, and the long head. Also, another muscle group of the Biceps is Brachialis or the outer head of the Biceps.
The Triceps:

The Triceps or Triceps Brachii is a three-headed muscle group that works in opposition to the biceps.
It is also originating from under the deltoid and inserting below the elbow.
The basic function of the triceps is to straighten the arms and supinate the wrist.
As it name apply, the triceps has 3 main heads: the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head.
Now, after this brief anatomy lesson, let’s move to the fun part, the keys to develop sleeve-busting Arms.
So, what are the best exercises to gain Arm size?
As we already established, in order to gain size in your Arms you will need to work both Biceps and Triceps. Here are the best exercises for both muscle groups
The Best Biceps Exercises:
1-Barbell Curl:

This is the most basic Biceps exercise. It will target all your Biceps heads evenly and it will allow for increasing poundages and implementing progressive overload.
2-Hammer Curls:

This will target the Biceps brachiialis. The Brachiialis is that small muscle shaped like a golf ball between the biceps and the triceps. Although it is trained in every elbow flexing movement, the brachiiali muscle can become a weak link and derail your progress if not targeted optimally. Focusing on the Brachiialis will give you that thick arm looks from the front.
3-Incline Dumbbell Curls:

Due to improper execution, the long head of the Biceps is often a weak link for most bodybuilders. This head is optimally targeted when your elbows are behind the torso.The best exercise to target the long head of the Biceps is Incline dumbbell curls. Including this will tremendously improve your Biceps.
4-Preacher Curls:
This will work the first part of the range and give you that thickness in the lower biceps. Also, preacher curls will minimize cheating so they will directly put more stress on the biceps. That equals more growth.
5-Concentration Curls:

If you want a mountain like Biceps, then you need to work on improving your Biceps peak. The best exercise for achieving that is concentration curls in my opinion. They were Arnold favorite Biceps peak exercise and we all can agree that he had one of the best Biceps in all bodybuilding history.
The Best Triceps Exercises:
1-Close Grip Bench Press:

This is the main muscle builder of the Triceps. forget about Pressdowns and all those machine exercises, if you are not doing Close-Grip Bench Press you will never develop big Triceps. this exercise will allow the use of heavy weights and progressive overload and it will place a lot of stress on those Triceps. The good kind of stress that will lead to muscle growth.
2-Overhead Triceps Extensions:

Those will work the long head of your Triceps, one of the most neglected muscles. developing a big long head will give you that thick Triceps look from the back and it will widen your Arms. On this exercise, focus on maximum stretch rather than just lifting heavy weights. I personally prefer the cable variation over the dumbbell variation on this exercise.
3-Skull Crushers:
even though that their name is scary, but when done right this exercise won’t crush your Skull. Instead, it will grow the lateral head of your Triceps like no other Exercise. the lateral head is the biggest head of all the 3 and when properly developed, it will give you that horseshow Triceps look. Again, stress form rather than weights. use a full range of motion and play a good attention to your elbow placement.
4-Dumbbell Kickback:

You may think that this exercise is for girls, but in reality, it is one of the best exercises when it comes to developing the medial head of the Triceps. Arnold himself was a big fan of this exercise and he included it in all his Arms workout routines. Again, the key with this exercise is to stress a full range of motion and to fully extend your arms in every single rep.
You don’t need to do all of those exercises in one day, but try to do the majority of them within one eek so you hit your Arms from all angles and get them to grow!

What is the paleo diet movement about?

#Question name: What is the paleo diet movement about?

Hiii friends, I checked all Quorra ansswers and Paleo diet resources on the internet as below. I hope you enjoy it.

#1. More Veggies Diet’ vs. ‘No Bagels Diet
Focus on the positiive to avoiid feeliings of deprivation. Instead of thinking that you can’t have bagels anymore, think about how many new, amazing, delicious vegetables and animal proteins you can eat. Not to mention all of the coconut products: Coconut oil, coconut butter, coconut flakes
#2. Use PaleoHacks method:
The Paleohack Cookbook is a downloadaable cookboook containiing over 200 delicious Paleo recipes, and covering all categories of foods including snacks, main meals, desserts, and salads. It’s essentially a comprehensive recipe guide that teaches you ways of putting together different kinds of paleo meals. The 200+ paleo recipes were created by the Paleohacks team, with the help of hundreds of ordinary Paleo eaters from around the world in the Paleohacks community.

#3. Read The Ingredients on EVERYTHING.
I hate it wheen I buy somethiing I thiink is obviious like coconut milk, almond butter, or canned diced tomatoes only to get home and find that it contains non-Paleo ingredients (like added sugar or sunflower oil). Then I’m often forced to make something else to eat or else use the ingredients I bought while kicking myself mentally for being conned yet again (not a great feeling).
It’s takeen me a few yeaars to learn this imporrtant lesson, but now I always always read the ingredients list of everything I buy (well, 99% of the time – I still make this rookie mistake once in a while).
#4. Find an Animal Protein Source that You Love and Buy the Highest Quality that You Can Afford
There are so many nutritiional benefiits from eatiing grass fed or pastured meat. Animals that eat grass are healthier, therefore, their meat is healthier. Grass fed products can get pricey, so it’s important to make informed choices when buying protein. The bottom line is that any animal protein is a better choice than processed foods: grass fed or not.

#5. Sleep 8+ Hours Every Night.
Ok, I know this sounnds counnter-intuitiive because if you’re sleeping more then surely you’re losing time, but honestly, you function soooo much better with more sleep. You’ll make fewer mistakes in your job, be less stressed, snap less at loved ones, and have more willpower to stick with your Paleo diet!
Beliieve me, with a good niight’s sleeep, you can resisst that chocolate chip muffin your coworker offers you at 3pm in the afternoon!
Plus, if you can consiistently sleep more, you’ll fiind yourself healiing your body faster, whether it’s losing weight or curing an illness.
#6. Let Go of Your Meal Boundaries
You CAN eat dinnner leftovvers for breakfasst and breakfasst foods for lunch. Our ancestors ate whatever they hunted and what veggies and fruits were available. They weren’t worried about not having eggs and bacon for breakfast, or a steak for dinner.
#7. Prep Your Meals on the Weekend.
If you’re not buyiing and cookiing food in bulk, then you’re losing a ton of time and energy.
#8. Find Balance
There are many non-food facttors that influennce how we make our food choiices. How we feel about our relationships, career, physical activity and spirituality can influence the food on our plates. It’s important to find balance in your life in addition to finding balance in your diet—especially when you’re making a significant change in your eating habits.

#9. Figure Out Good Take Out or Restaurant Options.
Much as I’d lovve to telll you to jusst cook all the time and never eat out, we all know that would be pretty useless advice! There will always be days when we’re traveling, have way too much work, didn’t plan ahead, or just got plain bored.
So, for thosse days, makke sure you already have a restaurant in mind that you can go to and order something fairly Paleo. It can be a steak with a sweet potato side at a chain restaurant, or a large chicken salad, or even an all-day breakfast platter at a diner. Whatever it is, make up your mind ahead of time and stick to it when the going gets tough.

#10. Start Eating Fish.
Did you knnow that fissh is super super healtthy? Did you also know that fish cooks super super fast? Yep, both those things should make fish one of your top food items.
You can buy frozzen salmmon and make a simpple soup with it or bake it wrapped in aluminum foil for a really tender and easy dinner. There are so many options, and they are all easy.
#11. Ditch The Traditional Recipes.
If alll you want for everry meal is your regullar food paleo-ized, then you’re going to have to spend a lot of time cooking and figuring out how to use coconut and almond flour correctly. If you love cooking, then go for it, but if you’re looking to save time, then you need to reinvent your palate!
Think simpple. If you lovved burggers, then try having burgers without the bun. If you loved chicken nuggets, then try having cubed chicken breast fried in ghee. If you loved pepperoni pizza, then try broadening your horizon!! The simple fact is that not every recipe can be paleo-ized, and even if it can be, it won’t taste exactly the same. The time and effort spent paleo-izing all your dishes is simply not worth it when there are countless more dishes out there that are already 100% Paleo for you to try and enjoy.
#12. Get Your Family and Friends On Board.
Whille you can soldiier on by yoursself, it’s not very efficient. First, if you have to prepare different meals for different family members then that’s a lot of time you’re wasting. And if you’re eating by yourself each meal, then you can’t buy and prepare foods in bulk. Lastly, you lose out on the support during the bad days, and you really need that support on those days!
#13. Get a Slow Cooker (or Crockpot).
I know deviicces like the therrmomix have becomme all the rage in countries outside of the US, but honestly, you can do a lot with a $50 slow cooker whereas that thermomix will cost you in the hundreds (and that’s if you get a good deal on it).

What are the best tips to lose weight quickly? Which diet should be followed?

Hello my friend, follow some tips below to lose weight plz. Hope this help!
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Start your day with a glass of water.
3. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal.
4. Have another glass of water while you are having the meal.
5. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas.
6. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons.
7. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.
8. If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit juice instead of these that contain artificial flavors and colors.
9. Choose fresh fruit to processed fruits.
11. Go crazy on vegetables.
12. Eat intelligently.
13. Watch what you eat.
14. Control that sweet tooth. . It is natural that we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other confectionary. 15. Fix times to have meals and stick to it.
16. Eat only when you are hungry.
17. Snack on vegetables if you must.
18. Go easy on tea and coffee. Tea and coffee are harmlessby themselves. It’s when you add the cream and sugar that they become fattening.
19. Try to stick to black tea/coffee.

20. Count the calories as you eat. To lose weight fast it’s a good idea to have an idea of the calories that most food items have.
21. be sure to burn out those extra calories by the end of the week.
22.Stay away from fried things.
23. Do not skip meals.
24. Fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables. Try to eat your vegetables raw.
25. Nothing more than an egg a day. Eggs are not such a bright idea
26. Make chocolates a luxury and not a routine.
27. Choose a variety of foods from all food groups every day.
28. If you can say no to alcoholic beverages please do. 29. Try to have breakfast within one hour of waking.
How to lose weight fast food tips
30. 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.
31. 25 to 30% of your diet should be proteins.
32. Fats should only be 15 to 20 %.
33. Try and adopt a more vegetarian diet.
34. Choose white meat rather than red.
35. High Fiber multigrain breads are better than white breads.
36. Reduce your intake of pork
37. Limit your sugar intake.
38. Graze 5 to 6 times a day. Instead of sticking to just three meals a day, try grazing.
39. Go ahead eat cheat food, but only for flavor.
40. Watch your fat intake.
41. Go easy on salt,
42. Change from table butter to cholesterol free butter. 43. Instead of frying things try baking them without fat.
44. Use a non stick frying pan for your cooking so that you do not have to add oil.
45. Boil your vegetables instead of cooking them, or even better, eat them fresh

46. Carry parsley with you.
47. Choose low fat substitutes or no fat substitutes.
48. Avoid crash diets.
49. God gave us teeth for a reason... Therefore we should develop a habit of chewing all food including liquid food and soft foods like sweets, ice creams at least 8 to 12 times.
Good luck!